Chapter nine

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"I.. I have to go.." I instantly covered my cheek with my palm and tried my best to keep the water from pouring out.

Jesus how could I have forgotten?

What was he gonna think now?

He couldn't know.

No one could know and especially, especially not him.

Not Shawn.

"Willow wait"! I heard a few splashes but I was too focused on getting out of these god damn woods.

"I have to go" I repeated myself.

"Willow.." He caught up with me, soaking wet dripping boxers while holding the rest of of his clothing in his arms.

"It's nothing. Just please, I have to go home"

"What's wrong? It's just a bruise."

Was that all he thought it was? Just a bruise?

"It's not.." I started to say but stopped myself.

Him thinking it was nothing was what I wanted.

"Your right.." We got to his car but I started to walk past it.

I couldn't, I couldn't sit there with him while he stared at my horrid Jaw and asked questions.

"Where are you going? Damn if you wanna go home I'll bring you. But your not walking."

"I can't.. I"

"You can't what"?


I was shaking so bad.

"Willow, get in" He opened the passenger door and I hesitantly stepped in.

Not removing my hand from my cheek.

"Why are you freaking out so bad"? He opened his door but stood outside while putting his clothes back on.

I kept my eyes straight ahead.

"I'm not.. I just, I need to go home"

"thought you didn't want to skip class"

He hopped in and started the ignition.

I played with my fingers.

"I don't.. I mean, I.. Just bring me home okay? Please."

I could feel him looking at me, scanning every inch.

I couldn't stop shaking,

The thought of Shawn knowing what happened at home..


"Well, where do you live"?

His tone changed to annoyed,

"Oak street.."


"Yes. Why So surprised"? I questioned, now looking at him.

"I um.. I do too"

How have I never seen him around before?

"Oh. Um.. Cool"

The rest of the ride was complete silence except when he asked which house was mine. Shawn had the radio slightly turned up and surprisingly, Ed Sheeran was playing.

I didn't expect to listen to that type of music.

Once I stepped out and thanked him, he nodded his head and drove off.

I felt so fucking humiliated.

I was so stupid.

He probably thinks I'm some psychotic loser.


Hey lovies! So to those of you who read, thank you (: first off, I'm gonna start updating a lot more, I just get so stuck sometimes cause I don't know where I want the story to go.

But can you guys comment and let me know how you like it? Or what you don't like?

I need opinions 😩😘

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