Chapter twenty-five

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His hands trailed up my back and under my tank top.

I couldn't focus on anything else except his lips.

It was toxin.

Finally feeling his gentle, tender skin against mine was like medicine.

I wanted it.

I wanted him.

"Shawn.." I breathed out, running my fingers through his brown hair.

We were moved back into his room as he foot slammed the door close, as if someone was home to hear.

My heart was pounding so fast.

Every movement was fire and the longer his hands wondered my body the more I craved him.

"Willow. I'm sorry" he spoke through each intense kiss.

"Just kiss me" I smashed my face with his again.

We both breathed heavily.

His hands slid just under my bum and in one quick motion he picked me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I wanted him.


"Your so beautiful" He laid me down on the blue bed sheets.

Hovering, eyes taking time to search each fragment of my body.

His fingers touched the end of my shirt.

"Can I"?

He looked scared, yet sure and determined.

That moment he just looked at me.

I wondered about the other girls that have been in this position with him.

It made me sick, but did he ask them like he asked me? Did he touch them so gently an careful yet aggressive like he did me?

"Yeah" I nodded.

Agreeing to let him slip the fabric from my core so I was left in a bra and my jeans.

I'd never been so venerable in front of any male before.

I'd kissed other boys, but that was it.

And it was nothing like Shawn's kiss.

"Your a fucking prize Will" He spoke, sliding his fingers down my tummy causing me to slightly squirm.

I watched as they met the button of my pants, he stopped.

I nodded.

I wasn't scared.

I wasn't scared like I always thought I'd be.

I felt so safe with Shawn.

So comfortable.

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