Chapter fifty five

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I paced back and forth, letting my teeth chew away whatever nail remained.

I shouldn't have freaked that intensely on Shawn, he was drunk, right? He said he didn't do it. He stopped himself, right?

Stop making excuses for him.

I didn't want to believe that Shawn would even consider having sex with another girl, the thought of touching or being touched by another guy made me sick.

This wasn't fair, first the kiss with that whore, now this? All within two months?

"Fuck" I mumbled, shaking my head and throwing myself backwards on the still very warm bed.

I didn't understand.

And the worst part was, only minutes after crying and screaming in his face.

I wanted to be in his arms, saying sorry.

For something I didn't do.

"Yo, wudup my girl" Ally's voice vibrated through the cracked open door.

I jumped up, startled.

"Don't shoot is your bestie" She carried two Dunken donut iced coffees and a paper bag of munchkins.

I wiped my eyes clean of water.

"Ian told me you and your boi were staying at a motel. Ya know I'm offended you didn't ask to come to my house? It is your sisters last day till Hawii" She raised an eye brow. Sitting next to me and biting into a chocolate one.

I sipped my drink, staring blankly at the ice that clanked the sides quietly.

Penelope had completely flushed from my mind.

I had to remember to say goodbye tonight.

"His family came home"

She swallowed.

"His family? As in the ones who vanished months ago? That family"?

I nodded.

"Oh. Damn. How is he"?

Well, apparently he was doing perfectly fine last night.

"I'm not sure"

"What's wrong Will"? Her voice changed with a sympathetic tone, Ally only gave anyone that sense of care once in a blue moon.

"I yelled at him," I cracked out, finally making eye contact with the girl who new most everything about me.

She bit her lip.

"There had to have been a reason"

There was a reason, he was going to have sex with another girl.

I couldn't let him being drunk make up for that.

It wasn't fair.

"At Ian's party, he said some girl tried to fuck him"

"And"? She searched my expression, waiting.

"And he was gonna do it Al, he was gonna give himself away to someone else. He tells me all the time I'm not another one of those girls, I'm Willow, I'm his girl. So why would he want someone else"?

Wiping away the tears was useless because they just bubbled back up.

Ally swung her arm around my shoulders and pulled me into her collar bone.

"He didn't do it" She squeezed me tightly.

I pulled away.

"How would you know"?

"That girl, who tried to 'fuck' Shawn, was Ian's cousin. She told us this morning that he ran off before she even got the chance to un button his pants and he seemed uneasy all the way upstairs. He didn't do it Will, he couldn't"

Okay, so he didn't.

But why did it still hurt?

Did that make it okay? Because he didn't actually have sex with her?

"But I'm mad. Al I'm tired of it, even the littlest thing that someone does.. I'm tired" I practically whispered the last part, she nodded.

"I understand. But you know what else I understand"?


"I thought I lost the Willow I always knew, but he found you. He brought you back. Don't let something this stupid and confusing drag you back"

As much as I wanted to believe Al, as much as I wanted to just forget this even happened and go and find my boy.

I couldn't.

A small piece of trust id spent everyday trying to build up, had disappeared.

I was tired of trying and caring and giving.

But most importantly, forgiving.


Shawn's POV•

"Shawn we left Willow back there, why did we leave Willow"? Aaliyah tapped my shoulder from the back seat.

I started blankly at the road ahead.

This was just another argument.

This was nothing, we would be okay.

"She's really very pretty. She told me last night that my brother was the best person in her life, and I said me too" Al laughed.

My jaw clenched.

I was stupid for going upstairs, but I didn't do anything.

So she had no reason to be angry, right?

I shouldn't have left her.

I should have stayed.

"She said that"? My voice shook.

Willow meant so much to me and for a while we were on a good road together,

But I didn't know what this meant for us.

She wouldn't leave me over this, right?

"Your phones lighting up" Al pointed out to the buzzing device on the consul.

iMessage from• Willow

I think we need some time, I need some time.

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