Chapter thirty three

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"Will? Willow..." I lightly moved Willows shoulder.

Kissing her jaw line as she slept peacefully.

This girl could sleep through anything I swear.

"Hmm.." She moaned, rubbing her tired eyes together as my body hovered over her frail one.

After opening up to her last night, an getting sexual for the first time.. It made me realize just how close I really was with this girl and just how much I wanted to be with her.

But it really was still hard to admit that to myself.

"We gotta get to school.. It starts in.." I looked at my wrist watch, seeing the time.


"20 minutes"

"20 minutes"? She jumped up, blue hazy gaze as she pushed me off from her and ran into my bathroom.

I laughed.

"What's the rush"?

"Shawn I'm a girl! Do you even understand how long it takes me to get ready?"

Her voice disappeared behind the white door and soon enough I heard water sparkling out.

This was so different.

Caring for someone and knowing they weren't going to leave me.

I needed this.

I needed her.

"Ya know, we could shower together. Save water"? I offered, adjusting my hair in the bathroom foggy mirror best I could.

"Hmmm" will peaked her head out from the behind the curtain, dripping water droplets down her cheeks and from her chin.

I smirked, turning to get a better look at her as I leaned on the sink.

"Maybe someday" She winked, hiding herself again.

I groaned. Yanking my tooth brush from the cupboard and adding tooth paste to the bristles.

"Boner Killer"


"God I think she's so fucking perfect Shawn, I want her, badly" Ian rambled on about Ally as we stopped in front of a painting on Albert Einstein.

All he had been texting me about and talking about in general the last three days have been her.

"Ask her out" He raised his eye brows, laughing after I finished.

"Are you crazy? I fuck girls I don't ask them on dates. Plus! Ally's not like that. She just wants sex"

"Your problem"? I didn't look at him as I studied the art.

Realizing how interesting this museum really was too me.

"Shawn! What are you doing here"?
A familiar voice I hadn't heard in years called my name from behind.

I spun around, seeing the black haired dark eyed girl with tattoos up her arms and piercings covering her nose and big, plump lips.

She smirked, blowing me a kiss as walked quickly towards her.


She threw herself around my waist, digging her head in my chest and breathing in my smell.

God, I hadn't seen this her in forever.

"What's the odds that I bump into my old bro in Toronto!" I kissed her fore ahead, squeezing her tighter.

Lori was my best friend from birth till I was 11,when Ian moved to town and Lor moved out.

"Iv missed you so much. How've you been handsome"? She let me go, backing up to get a good view.

I studied behind her for Willow, she was assigned to a different group to tour the museum so I hadn't see her sense this morning.

"Iv been.." I cleared my throat.

Searching for the right word.


She raised one eye brow, noticing the hesitation.

"Who is she"?

Lori always knew, somehow she could get into my mind and pick out the littlest things that were bothering me.

"I'm Willow, Shawn's.. Girlfriend" Suddenly the girl I was looking for only moments ago was stood by me, her arm intertwined in my elbow.

She held out her hand for Lori to shake.

I felt my cheeks getting red and I wanted to give Will a confused look.



IM SO SORRY IF THIS SUCKS, iv literally had such writers block lately and you have no idea how much iv written and then deleted, written then deleted.

I do that because I know I set very high expectations for myself when it comes to writing, especially with this story cause I want it to be good for you all.

So I am sorry if it's not today, but next update tomorrow!

What do you guys think of Shawn's reaction?

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