Chapter fourty

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I'm sorry I haven't updated 😩 iv been so so busy and I can't just throw a chapter together for you guys because I don't want it to be sloppy, but here ya go, enjoy loves.

She stared at me, shock and confusion to my sudden outburst.

Willow wasn't going to that party, she didn't understand.

"Excuse me"? Her arms flew across her chest, raising an eye brow.

The smallest piece of me wanted to smile at her anger, it was cute in a way.

"Your not going" I spoke once more, walking around the living room until I was on the couch.

She turned her body to face me, not saying a word.

"Willow, it's not.." I didn't know how to say what I wanted too.

The guys at that party were dangerous, everyone there was, it wasn't safe for her.

It wasn't her crowd and the last thing I wanted was for something to happen to her at a party I attended.

Something to happen to her at all, I couldn't have that.

"I'm going" She pursed her lips together, spun her self around and walked satisfyingly up the stairs.

I rolled my eyes, clearly not getting through to her.

Willow didn't get that if I brought her around the people I hung out with, they'd persuade her to do things, bad things and that scared me.

The one thing that actually scared me, was something happening to her.

"Looks like Mrs. Priss doesn't listen to anyone but herself" Ian walked in with a sandwich half in his mouth, Penelope doing the same.

"Guess so" I huffed, shaking my head.


"Who's house it is"? Her hands firmly gripped my wrist as we walked up to the front door.

Music blasting, vibrating the giant home before us.

"Ahh Codys" My voice was hesitant.

Will leaned up on her heels to kiss my cheek, nearing the door.

Cars crowded the road and driveway, flashing lights going through every window, beer bottles and cans already covered the grass.

I didn't want to be here.

I didn't want her to be here.

"Bro, I'm gonna get fucked tonight" Ian pushed past us, instantly ramming himself inside with the rest of the crowd.

"Other people would wonder if he meant literally get fucked or drunk get fucked. But Ian probably will do both" Willow laughed, following in behind me.

I didn't let her hand go as guys with trashed smiled stared her down.

She had brought clothes to my house and happened to have a tight, short purple strapless dress for the occasion.

It looked sexy as hell, but I knew I wasn't the only one thinking that.

"Shawn! Man, so glad you could make it.. Who's this"? Mike bro hugged me, the words fumbling from his lips all too fast.

I squeezed Willow hand.

"I'm willow" She smiled cutely, holding out her hand for his to shake.

Her chuckled, setting his hand on her waist instead and pulling her in for a hug.

My cheeks heated up.

"Nice to meet you Willow, don't go to crazy tonight" He winked, walking off to some other girls.

I rolled my eyes and led the way into the kitchen.

Will was being friendly as fuck, sparking up conversation towards everyone she ran into.

"Don't drink anything unless you pour it yourself" I reminded her, removing our hands and going to get myself a drink.

She nodded, looking around the giant kitchen.

Date rape drugs were too common at the parties I attended, It sickened me but I always kept my mouth shut.

"Shawn! Babe, hi" Riley, a tall girl with curly strawberry blonde hair rested her arm on my shoulder.

I turned, nudging her off me and smiling halfway.

"Hey Riley"

"How've you been? Who are you here with"? She showed off her white teeth, shakily holding a red solo cup in her hand.

I looked up towards Will who was in conversation with another girl I didn't know very well.

"Ahh, Willow Right"

"Oh!!! She's cute! I'll have to meet her" She kissed my cheek, alcohol swimming on her tongue before running off.

I poured myself a shot glass of Vodka.

Staring endlessly at the spinning room.

Then two glasses.

Then three.

Then six...

I wasn't sure how long it was until my head my whirling in a circle and I had to grip the counter to stand straight.

"Shawn? Babe? You good" Willows hand was moving slow motion in front of my eyes.

I blinked.

"Um.. Yeah.. Yeah"

Where had she been?

She left the kitchen when I had my second shot but I couldn't remember when that was.

"Iv been talking with Brianna for an hour, how much have you drank"? She rested a cold hand on my sweaty cheeks.

I couldn't focus.

"I dunno, we should.. We should go"

Normally it took me forever to get drunk, so I didn't understand why 6 shots of vodka had everything before me blurry as fuck.

"Is this Willow right I see"? Mikes voice smacked my ears.

I watched as he rested his hand on her hips, she nudged him off.

"We gotta go" I grabbed her wrist.

If I was here any longer I'd drink more and more until I passed out and I couldn't let Willow see that side of me.

"No no no, stay here baby girl" His breath trailed down her neck and my cheeks were heating by the second.

He wasn't supposed to be doing this.

This is why I told them the girl I fucked wasn't Willow, I mean.. I hadn't fucked anyone but these guys were different.

If I had said it was her, they'd think she was a toy and it would be easy to get in her pants.

They weren't normal guys, they didn't want a virgin.

"What are you doing"? I pushed my hand against his chest, knocking him away from her.

His blood shot eyes turned to me.

"She's not the girl you fucked right? It was someone else"? Willow looked at him then me, confused.

I shook my head.

It hurt.

My brain was pounding.

"I didn't.. I didn't fuck"

"So you lied Shawny boy? You see, everyone knows Mrs. Right here is a virgin and I'm thinking tonight. I want something a little different" He licked his lips.

I couldn't help it.

My arm swung back and within a second connected with his jaw.

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