Chapter Twenty-One

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Yoru had managed to fall asleep in one of the unused storerooms in the courtyard of the inn. He woke to find hay nestled in his long black hair and sore bones. He stretched out to the sound of birds chirping and laughter from the people milling about outside. His body and mind still felt exhausted from the day before.

   He couldn't help but resent the morning for coming and the people for being happy. How could they be happy when he had such a dark cloud above him. 

   Lerath had told him to come meet with her and Firs in the morning, she told him to bathe and have a good sleep. Neither of which he did. He decided instead to go to see Samrin immediately.

   He tried to straighten himself up while he waited at the door. An exhausted and hollow cheek boned Cais answered, he nodded his greetings to Yoru before allowing him in. Samrin was sitting up in bed, his face still pale and eyes sunken but he was smiling.

   Like a refreshing breeze in an inferno, Yoru felt his worries lift if only for a moment. That half smile made his stomach do flip flops. He grinned at the man and moved over to the bed.

“You're awake…You look amazing!” Yoru said sheepishly and Samrin huffed before cringing and gripping his chest.

“Samrin, calm yourself” Cais barked from across the room.

“I can’t believe you ducked” Samrin muttered and Yoru dropped to the bed in anguish.

“I’m so sorry I had no idea you were behind me! You should have said something!” He cried and Samrin gave a little laugh, careful not to hurt himself.

“What should I have said Yoru? Hello, I am here. Please do not throw an axe at me?” 

   Yoru sat back up and smiled, he reached out his hand and dusted his fingertips barely across the back of Samrin’s thin fingers before pulling away. He cleared his throat and looked to the other Ashen’s.

“Something like that would have helped! How dare you act so foolishly! You had no weapon!” Sabrin shouted from where she and her elder brother sat eating breakfast.

“And what of running into battle on your own?” He spat back and Yoru had to agree.

“You did do that Sabrin” He added, causing her to give him a murderous glare.

“Where is Firs?” Cais asked and Yoru was once again thrown into turmoil.

“In our room I think” 

“You did not stay there last night?” Cais once again picked at the fresh wound.

“No.” Yoru answered hoping his sharp tone told him to drop it.

“Yoru clearly doesn't want to talk about it Cais” Sabrin mumbled trying to give her brother a stronger hint. 

“Where did you sleep?” Samrin asked, he leaned over ever so slightly to pull a stray piece of hay from Yoru’s head.

“Somewhere with hay” he laughed and Samrin shook his head.

“Alone?” The elf looked away slightly, his face playful and a little bashful.

“Absolutely not!” Cais yelled. This time wagging his finger at his brother.

“Not having any of that” he pointed between the both of them and Yoru felt a blush begin to grace his face.

“Uh I should go” he stood and Sabrin groaned kicking her brother under the table.

“Why are you the way that you are?” she asked him, arms outstretched, the other man looking confused.

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