Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Yoru’s still eyes reflected from frosty blue water. He stared deep into the rockpool as strange life swam quiet strokes between each rock. Little lives carrying on like the rest of the realms.

   He had been at the old monastery of Leraths for a few weeks. Sonna had been back and forth between his home and here, bringing Yoru various trinkets and clothing from the Lunarin Palace of Ataga-An. 

   Yoru couldn't stop speaking, asking question after question of Lerath for the first few days. Her answers remained the same. He didn't believe her, then he thought she could be spewing half truths. He bargained with her, he begged for a different lie…but it never waivered. Her words never changed and deep down, within his very self he knew the truth.

   It burned him every time he allowed his mind to wonder. He stopped asking questions, he stopped talking all together. He barely left the bed nevermind the room, his food lay rotting on plates scattered about the monestry. Lerath never pushed or taunted him. She gave him food and water and told him he has thirty days, no more and no less, to collect himself.

Eventually his own wretched smell managed to move him from the filthy bed and he had dragged himself to the natural spring in Larath’s courtyard. He dressed himself in some of the Lunarin robes Sonna had brought and stared down at his reflection.

   The man staring back at him felt like a costume. His grey skin a suit he had been forced into for crimes he could not even voice. 

   His childhood in the Northern Light Temple taught him all about King Silus’ reign. He was the true elven king, revered and loved by all. Feared by many. He was cold, calculated and chosen by the Goddess of Peace to lead the elves to a new age before she left this plain of existence.

   The king was also something else, he was a murderer, a traitor, a tyrant. His god chose him and him alone to rule the lands of the Light Realm. All others who named themself King were frauds. The Lunarin King refused to bend the knee to him and so the entire race suffered his ire and became his downfall. This of course was only uttered in lowly circles, in darkness. The gentry would never say a word against the man.

That was the extent of Yoru’s knowledge of Silus. Praised by day and cursed at night.

“So you are here are you, my my, don't you scrub up well” Lerath called to him from behind and he turned to face her.

“Can it be reversed?”


“Will I ever get my memories back?”

“Maybe, who knows. I learnt this trick from you. Mine was a little less…smooth and a little more complicated but I cannot rule anything out”

“Does this amuse you? Do you feel better now?” Yoru spat out at the woman who gave him a sypathetic look.

“At the time it did, but as it turns out revenge is not satisfying at all. But thank the gods I did do it, otherwise we would all be stuck in a very tricky situation”

She beckoned him inside and once again Sonna had come by. This time without gifts but with a bright smile upon seeing Yoru out of bed and walking around.

“Oh great! You are recovering far quicker than we imagined. Made of strong stuff Yoru”

Yoru sat back in the same armchair where his entire world had fallen apart and awaited them to further ruin him. His body felt spent, his mind a chaotic mess.

“Does it feel strange calling me Yoru?” He asked absentmindedly and Sonna laughed.

“Not at all. I have only ever known myself to be Sonna. It is the name of the Kings father; all Lunarin orphans are given this name. Would you like me to do your hair?” he asked, pointing to his slightly damp and loose locks.

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