Chapter Twenty-Four

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The road out of Garrel led directly to the ferry landing. Travelling across the Perrivale River was needed to reach the back-roads that led to Silona. There was no chance they could take the route well travelled. Carts of merchants and people would be flowing through to Silona at a constant rate. Cais had drawn out a map and spoke with the ports-man on the best way to avoid being seen. He tossed him a few coins and the man helped him plan the route.

The ferry only came twice a day, Yoru sat dangling his legs out on the dock. The raging waters below him drowning out any bickering from behind.

   It had not taken long for the twins to bemoan the journey, they had barely left the town before Samrin said his feet hurt. Sabrin had been worried about the time it was going to take to get there, she knew the longer journey would be best but couldn't help but chirp at her elder brother.

   Yoru did feel bad for Cais, the day before he wanted to drown him. Now as he stood holding a few full satchels and listening to his brother and sister moan, he felt a modicum of pity. Firs had been pacing around the river's edge out of boredom until eventually he jumped up and down.

“Someones there! Someones bringing it over!” He pointed  across the river where another ports-man began to push the ferry over.

   They crossed the river on what felt like a couple of planks of wood, Samrin clutching onto Yoru’s arm as if his life was in peril. His balance was not the best, he slipped across the wood and whined as he did. Yoru held him back each time laughing.

“I’m glad you find AHH this funny” He cried out, a smile playing on his lips. Yoru caught him again and twirled him in a circle. He screamed then laughed and Cais cleared his throat very loudly.

   Yoru put him down and steadied the man before moving away. Sabrin was watching with a bright smile but Cais was grim, frowning, but unable to say anything. Now Yoru knew his little secret Cais was forced into silence.

  They docked hard and lurched forward a little, Sabrin bounced into Yoru and knocked him onto land rather forcefully. She cried out her apologies and Yoru picked himself back up.

“Gosh Sabrin your boobs almost killed the man” Firs muttered before dodging a swatting Cais. 

The road from the river forked off, one to the town of Cathin and one to The Low-Night Forest. Yoru had run-ins in Cathin, his youth was mostly spent running around Arrell and stealing to make ends meet. He was glad when they bypassed that road to walk straight into The Low-Night Forest.

   The Forest had gotten its name from its appearance. The tree-line hung dense and low to the forest floor, a curtain of vines and leaves blocked your view from a few feet in front of you. It was always low light, the density of the bush blocked out most of the sunlight and cool air flowed throughout all year long.

   Yoru followed behind Cais, stepping over the thousands of tiny streams that ran through the entirety of the forest. Whilst it looked magical to behold, it did produce a worrying thought. Finding a place to camp was going to be a struggle.

   They traversed the forest for a few hours, Yoru enjoying seeing the magnificent flora and fauna around him. Even the twins had been struck dumb in awe, all managed to miss the small streams.

“This forest backs all the way up to the far north, during the war it was a death trap for our troops. With the low and dense tree-line, the Lunarin’s would drop down and kill then disappear in seconds” Cais said quietly to Yoru.

“Well I can’t climb so you should be safe” He chuckled.

“Do you know how to fight at all? How to defend yourself?” He asked with slight annoyance.

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