Chapter Twenty-Six

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Baytree sauntered towards Yoru, sneering and eyes dripping with malcontent. His heart dropped to his stomach as he sat up straight, pushing himself against the carriage wheel as if trying to get as far away from the man as possible.

“Tell me Baytree, what does the King want to trade so much with the Lunarin’s?” Firs shouted across to him, he turned slightly and gave the demon a slight smile.

“An old weapon of the King's cousins, the Hand of God. And in return King Calern will give them Prince Amaryn Ardentins sword back”

   Yoru sat up at this. Lerath had told him about the old King’s weapon, Ilrynntha, the glove that could destroy the body of Da’ga. It had to be powerful. He couldn't see the Lunarin’s handing back a weapon that threatened to destroy them.

“Ahahaha not going to happen” Firs cackled with glee and got Baytrees full attention now. He moved over to the fire and snarled at the other man.

“What makes you say so? You are no more than a gossip with a big mouth” he spat.

“Well King Calern doesn't have that sword.” Firs replied matter of factly. Baytree looked dumbfounded.

“How would you know of such a thing?”

Firs clamped his mouth tight and stared at Yoru who watched him intently. Yoru had an idea that the sword he had was special. He had felt its power being thrust through his leg. It was of exceptional craftsmanship. 

   Although not confirmed it seemed right that Firs would have such a thing. The name ‘Ardentin’ spiked something in Yoru’s brain. Of course. Amaryn Ardentin was the King of the Lunarin’s elder brother. Silus had captured him and rumours spread about the nature of their relationship. Towards the end of the war, the Prince killed himself by exposing his body to sunlight and then shortly after Silus was beheaded by the Lunarin King. Such a relationship was vehemently denied by the palace and King Calern.

   Yoru had to look again and again at Firs. He knew this was not his real body but beneath this shell was the heir to the elven throne, the very thought was far-fetched and unreal. Yet now he was also related to the royal family that ruled over the Lunarin’s.

   For so many grand titles, life had surely dealt him a sad hand. Instead of living in luxury and bliss he was kept captive in Helios with his adoptive father, promised better days but only felt loneliness and a sense of unfairness.

   Baytree had gotten distracted again with his liquor. A guard had brought over some food and they all began to eat around the campfire. Yoru leaned back against the wheel and prayed something more would distract the man.

   He and Firs had been dead for a while since the fire at Sorrowese. Baytree had no reason to keep them alive other than amusement. The Ashen’s didnt seem to have a very bright future either. They could not arrive in Silona as prisoners, they had to find a way to escape.

“All right, let us retire for the night. Take that lot and lock them up in the cage. This one is mine” his eyes focussed on Yoru who felt the tinge of disgust seep into his heart.

“NO! Leave him alone! Take me instead!” Samrin cried out as the guards brought them all to standing.

“You are very protective of the little rat aren't you!” Baytree bellowed out, Samrin’s words causing him to anger.

“Well do not worry my future spouse, I will take good care of him” he cooed as Samrin struggled against his bonds. His once beautiful face stained with tears and pain, Yoru tried to give him a reassuring look but his own fear had taken over.

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