Chapter Twenty-Seven

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“Patara! Patara Baytree!” Samrin called across the camp. His voice high pitched and drenched in childish whining.

The man  looked up to see Samrin’s stricken face and arms reaching out to him, he came running over at once, his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

“What do you want?”

“I...we have some news. The Lunarin can smell its kin, they are converging onto this clearing as we speak. We must leave at once!” Samrin cried out.

   Yoru was not lost on his choice of words, he knew it was for the greater good but being spoken about in such a manner by someone he had shared a bed with was quite discombobulating. 

“You expect me to believe such drivel” He laughed in Samrin’s face and Yoru watched as something dark flickered across the blonde elf’s eyes. He regained his composure as quickly as he lost it, he shook the bars in frustration and whined loudly.

“Tell them Yoru!”

“It’s true…not that I care. They are coming…you got too close to the boundary, they are going to rip you apart!” Yoru tried to be as menacing as he possibly could. The others all began to play their part in chaotic succession. Cais readied himself in the fighting stance, looking far into the dark. Sabrin spun around a few times, eyes darting about and finally Firs. He pointed across the camp to any random direction and screamed.


   Samrin screamed and fell to the floor of the cage, his arms over his head. Baytree’s face fell from his usual sneer and he called for his guards. His tone was urgent.

“Open this cage at once. Samrin my love, come here. I will protect you!” 

The moment the iron gate was opened Samrin rushed out into Baytree’s large arms and held on for his life. Baytree gripped his back and looked to his other guard as he locked the cage again.

“We leave. Now.”

“I see light reflecting on trained eyes, they are all around us” Cais muttered just loud enough for Baytree to hear.

“LEAVE, NOW. ALL OF YOU” He dragged a whimpering Samrin with him to his carriage and pulled the elf up. His greedy hands never leaving the man's body, his childhood crush now fully submitting to him seemed to mitigate the fear of the Lunarin’s.

“Well that was not a part of the plan” Sabrin cried out, staring after her brother.

“He’ll be fine, this will work in our favour. We have a man on the outside! As soon as we are on the road I’m going to blast this lock…sort of..I’m gonna need some help” Firs gripped Cais hand and pulled him over.

The caravan mobilised quickly, leaving behind a trail of blankets and still lit torches as Fervanna barked orders at the men. They thundered along the unlit rough road as before. Slowing every so often to clear debris.

   Yoru craned his neck to look over to Baytree’s carriage. His thick plush curtain stayed drawn and he couldn't hear Samrin’s voice. The wind chill of the night no longer bothered Yoru, his mind was only on one thing. 

“I will not do such a thing!” Cais interrupted his brooding. He was pulling his hand away from an annoyed looking Firs.

“We need to open this cage do we not? And I’m all out of juice. SO, you being a rather powerful elf who can wield the light magic of Lumera, will help me” 

“My light magic is imbued into my sword and that is long gone. Do not confuse me with some conjurer. I will not lend you pieces of my soul as you so eloquently put it” Cais fumed.

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