Chapter Seventeen

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Drunken elves stumbled out the door barely hanging on its hinges, one half of the inn was a packed tavern whilst the other was seemingly empty. Cais pushed past drunken men and women to rap on the desk where a sleeping man was sitting. With a snort and a grunt he looked up only to widen his eyes at the sight of the travellers who had entered. Although somewhat worse for wear they still stood out amongst the usuals around here. 

“Price for a room?” Cais demanded much to Yoru’s embarrassment. Yoru had tried to explain to them they can no longer rely on who they once were, they were supposed to be laying low.

“That will be 50 coins sir” The sleepy elf remarked curtly, rubbing a dirtied hand through unkempt hair.

“50 coin?” Yoru screeched far louder than he had intended.

“50 for the whole building a’more like. Ay elf no manners on him. Clearly a jester fit for the king” Yoru blurted out. The common tongue of Arrell was mostly slang words and a thick heady accent. He picked up most of the curses from Loralie who was born in here.

“Lunarin in these parts aint no good omen. Should be 50 for keepin me mouth shut. Nay’ a guard come knockin on ye door” He retorted, eyes narrowed. Yoru brushed him off.

“Will this do then? No coin. No bother. Understood?” He threw down a large pearl hair pin and with hungry eyes the man grabbed it. Samrin gave a small whimper at the loss of his accessory. After much cajoling from Sabrin earlier he had given it up. None of them thought to bring any coins on their escape.

“Aye sir, we got two rooms. Don’t argue! The rest are shit holes, doing yers a favour” he threw two keys at Yoru and pointed to the stairs.

“Room 6 and 7”

Cais led the way with the twins behind him. Firs was distracted by the sounds of revelry in the next room and Yoru pulled him along.

“Okay who goes where?” Yoru asked and everyone gave him an incredulous look. He watched them all for a moment before realisation hit.

Of course he would be with Firs.

   The room was better than the dungeon Yoru had found himself in a few months ago, but only just. It was small with a large shabby bunk bed, the sheets looked thin and scratchy but at least it was dry. He was more accustomed to staying indoors than out. 

   Firs quickly claimed the top bunk as Yoru pulled apart the drab curtains. A cloud of dust erupted from them into his face which resulted in a cough.

“Eh could be worse” Firs remarked and Yoru was finding it hard to agree.

They sat down on the lower bunk, the flickering candle light illuminating Firs face. The golden light hit his cheek bones turning them into tall mountains, his under eyes shadowed under their own weight. He looked tired. Yoru didn't see it before but he suspected the day's events had taken its toll on him. 

“Do you truly believe your priest can lift this?” Firs asked. 

They had no moment to speak of their plan, only a few stolen minutes before one of the Ashen’s interrupted. So far they had both been drip feeding the other with vague plots.

“Shouldn't I be asking this of you?” Yoru queried in return.

“If he is as powerful as you say his light magic may be able to sever the connection between us and the Void. When Nila deposited our blood oath, it cemented the incantation. Like a blade cutting a string of silk- he would need to be precise…and discreet” Firs lamented. 

That was the one major issue Yoru had not been able to tackle. The head priest was a far removed man of great import, a hermit amongst the lay people. He wasn't sure the man would help out of principle. Firs was a demon. It was their only choice. 

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