Chapter Twenty

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“You know I do pity you dear friend” a shrill and girlish voice rang out in the dingey maze of the old mill's basement.

“Vaya Vayavandriss from the noble house of Bai-Juixe. An untouchable jewel stowed away in the confines of a castle held together by stolen valour. Oh how the mighty have fallen” Her tone dripped with mocking, like a dagger drenched in poison she jabbed the man again and again.

   Firs was tied to a beam with some kind of thin rope Yoru had seen before. It reminded him of the soul binding rope that Sabrin had been trapped by when they rescued her. His head was lowered and he never responded to her stabs.

   The woman was a short and plump looking human. Her hood was down and Yoru had managed to get a good look at her. Her dark brown hair was loose around her shoulders and her dress was black and only reached down to her knees. She looked young.

   Yoru was not well versed in the world and physiology of humans but he guessed the woman to be around twenty. Strapped to her waist he saw purple swirling smoke wrap and curl itself around half a skull mounted on a long wooden stake. It had to be the weapon Lerath wanted. 

   Yoru was watching from behind a few large wooden boxes in the dark from the far corner. Once they had descended to the basement they quickly realised the place was a maze. Narrow walkways led into store room after store room. In the end Tiss-Farrow decided to split them up, each taking a different path. Yoru was unlucky enough to take the right one. He considered backtracking but found his legs as heavy as iron and continued to watch instead, hoping they somehow came across the same scene.

“I have never liked you Vaya. I knew from the start you were using our Lord Dracaymuss to further your own needs, you wish to find The Vessel of Da’ga before us dont you? You lied and stole and you lied some more to worm yourself into her good graces for a chance to steal the prize.” She continued. This made Yoru listen in some more.

“Well you have it all worked out Cardela. Well done. I’m sure your mother will love you ever so much more now, how about you untie me and we forget all this.” Firs finally responded in a light but tired voice. 

   Firs lifted his head up to look up to the other woman, his face bruised and bloodied. She laughed at him, pulling out the sceptre, the purple smoke poured out from the white skulls empty eye sockets and wrapped around Firs neck.

“Where is the Vessel?” her voice was low and threatening.

“I have no idea what youre talking about. Send me back to Helios already you stinky bitch.” Firs spat out in Firs fashion and Yoru wanted to smack him. DO not send him back to Helios! Yoru did not want to be dragged down with him.

   A soft tap on Yoru’s shoulder almost made him leave his skin. He turned to come face to face with Sabrin who was watching diligently ahead of her. She had a small cloth bag clutched tight to her chest.

   Firs groaned in front of them as the purple smoke tightened around his throat. He tried to grip the smoke only to find his fingers falling through it. The woman laughed again, a sound like nails down scratched glass causing Yoru’s head to swell with pain once again. He pushed down this feeling. He couldn't afford to have another outburst like in the carriage, the pain alone could make him crumble.

   Sabrin untied her bag and pulled out individual cut shards of what looked like glass. She held each one in her hand and a soft glow rose from her fingers, travelling to the glass. She repeated the process until all of them thrummed with light energy, she gave Yoru a small smile and shrugged.

   In one quick motion she stood up and ran at the demon interrogating Firs. Her shards of glass heeded the movement of her hands and shot out at the other woman who screeched in surprise.

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