Chapter Thirty

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The fabric was itchy and cheap, Yoru thought King Calern could afford to buy proper uniforms for his staff but chose not to. Lerath also looked uncomfortable, she shifted in the tight tunic and trousers, scuffing her boots as she did so only to be scolded by Sonna once again.

“You two could not be less comfortable if you tried. You have worn these uniforms for tens of years, you are both kitchen boys. You do as youre told and say yes Sir to anyone around. Understood?” he asked once again in a manner that reminded Yoru of Master Kai.

“Are you sure you can open a portal near Silona? This potion has a very strict time limit Lerath”

“Yes yes, I have said so many a time stop fretting. Just go! Go! Go report to your King and let him know everything is going to plan”

“Wait…wait!” Yoru cried as a thought hit him hard in the chest.

“Does King Ardentin know I am back? Here? Uhm resurected or whatever?” 

Sonna visibly retreated at this and nodded.


“Well, he isnt happy but he knows whats at stake here. If this goes to plan it may uhh win some favour”

“Right. Lovely” Yoru didn't bother to hide the skeptism from his voice. 

Lerath led them deep into her basement, winding staircase after winding staircase lit by ancient candles. Their shadows flickered as they decended the stairs until finally reaching the bottom. The room was sparse, save for a few covered chairs and old furniture pushed against the wall. What really stood out was the large symbols painted on the floor in what Yoru could only guess was blood, it resembled the one Firs had used to talk to Dracaymuss. This though, was far more intricate, the hand that drew this was far more skilled.

   Lerath placed Yoru at one point of symbols and her the other, she looked to Sonna who stroked his long plait in anticipation.

“How will you go home?” Yoru asked the other man.

“I shall be fine, King Ardentin has gifted me ways of travelling between the realms. Be careful now, I know this will be difficult and I ask you to please trust Lerath. She makes it hard to do so but from past experiences I can affirm she is worth the work”

“I’m flattered. Drink up Yoru, hopefully the portal will make the pain of transformation a little more bearable eh!” She chugged her own bottle before Yoru followed suit. Lerath then stabbed an ancient looking dagger into the ground.

   As soon as she did they were both swallowed up in green and purple light, that falling feeling becoming known to Yoru now. The potion burnt his mouth briefly and he was sure it had done nothing as he fell deeper through the portal. It was only when his skin tingled then scorched as he arched his back in pain, his eyes began to water uncontrollably, did he realise it was working.

   Before his brain could catch up to his pain he hit cold and damp grass with a thud. He tentatively opened his eyes only to cry out and close them again. From somewhere beside him he heard Lerath curse as she too was assaulted by the maddening sun.

“Fuck. I always hate that transition” she muttered as she pulled herself up.

“That bloody sun, give me that beautiful destructive Helios sky anyday. Up you get Yoru, we have a busy day” She tugged on his hand and yanked him up.

   Yoru came face to face with a red haired and tan woman. Her face was plump and full, no longer sunken eyes and caved in cheeks. Her ears stood proud out of her silky hair, she looked nothing like Lerath. Her face watched him with the same shock as he did her and she laughed.

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