Chapter Thirty-One

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Yoru knew Firs would be itching to check up on Cais after his display today. He knew Firs couldn't leave it at that. Lerath took them further into the Palace and they found themselves in a sparesly decorated wing. Doors lined the walls and she nodded to the second one.

   Before they could knock voices came from the other side and they jumped behind the corner of the adjoining hallway. The door opened and two people left. Sabrin’s defeated voice could be heard as she shuffled out of her elder brothers room.

“We must remain strong, we cannot let them defeat us” she whispered to her siblings who responded with silence. Yoru wanted to comfort her the way she always did him but held his tongue.

“We will come back from this Cais…I promise. But please stay alive long enough to see it, do not act rashly…both of you” they both agreed and before long the sound of doors clicking shut told them everyone had retreated back to their own room.

   They took a look at each other before knocking quietly on Cais' door. After a pause it opened just a crack and his narrow eyes looked out. Upon seeing only servants he opened it fully and looked at them both confused.

“We have been sent to speak to you…by Ca -King Calern” Yoru said quickly, pushing his way through to Cais' room who didn't put up a fight.

   The room was modest, for guests Calern didn't much care for and that certainly described the Ashens. There were no guards nearby, running would be futile. The Palace was surrounded unless you so happened to be travelling with a jumping demon.

   They both turned to face the awaiting Cais and found themselves not really knowing what to say. Yoru finally looked to Lerath who laughed awkwardly before shrugging.

“So you see…uh sir. Oh fuck it. It’s me, Cais, It’s Yoru”

Cais' eyes grew wide at first in scepticism then in disbelief. 

“What?” was all the man stammered out before Lerath interupted.

“We are using some kind of disguising potion given to us by a friend, we are here to stop a demon from destroying us all. We need your full cooperation” she stated plainly and Yoru had to roll his eyes.

“You remember Lerath- the demon who helped us to Border Town, well here she is. Anyway we do not have much time and I know I’ll be able to explain things much more clearer when this is done but first I need you to go into your bathroom and not come out until we say”

Yoru knew he was no clearer than Lerath but the thumping in his ears as time ticked away was deafening.

“Where did you go? You swore to meet us on the road! Only Samrin came back and refused to tell us what happened!” He whispered furiously ignoring Yorus strange request.

“I fell down an embankment and me and Samrin got seperated. I was then attacked by a guard so I …well I bashed his brains into the dirt with a rock. I then crawled back up the embankment and found Baytree trying to pull Samrin back to the camp. I took the sword from the soldier I killed and cut his head off” 

The silence in the room at this confession was so sharp it could have drew blood. Cais watched the now elven Yoru speak plainly, even Lerath was at a loss for words at this.

“Oh no” Cais muttered in shock.

“Yes well...the man deserved it anyway times a ticking, off you go!” Lerath tried to usher him into the bathroom when Cais came back to his senses.

“Lord Baytree holds the strongest army in all of Lumera. If he finds out what you did he would hunt you down and rip you apart bit by bit” 

“I’d like to see him try” Yoru spoke before realising what he said earning him a look from Lerath and a sympathetic one from Cais.

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