147| Family Trees

Start from the beginning

"She's not my real mother." Shawn announced in shock.


It was ten o'clock in the morning, Jack, Shawn, Cory, Topanga and Zoey had stayed up all night trying to find Shawn's real mother. Shawn had placed multiple family trees around the kitchen.

Jack sat at the island on his computer while Zoey tried her best to reassure her fiancée, knowing how much this was going to take a toll on him.

Cory and Topanga sat on the couch, watching everything happening.

"We gotta find my mum, Jack." Shawn insisted, sitting beside Zoey. "She's the only..."

"Family you got left?" Jack questioned with a pointed look. 'You gonna say that again? Let's go on a search for your brother. Oh, wait a minute! We don't have to. He's here."

"You're my half brother." Shawn pointed out.

"Okay, well, how about the other half beats the crap out of you?" Jack wondered.

"Okay!" Eric began as he walked down the stairs. "Listen up, people. Here's the plan as I see it." He pulled off a blanket that covered a board that had a picture of Morgan, a skull, another picture of Morgan but her face was green, the emergency room and balloons. "We give Morgan, who will be our decoy, some kind of poison that will make her ill. Dad will have to take her to the hospital, and when he's in the emergency room, that's when the party begins."

"So, let me make sure I understand this. You're willing to poison your sister to surprise your father." Topanga said.

"The problem is, if Morgan goes south I mean, if she.... actually, well.... croaks." Eric added. He flipped the board to reveal a cartoon foot with Morgan's nametag on the toe. "It's gonna put a damper on the entire party. Which is why we get horsey rides!" He flipped the board to reveal a picture of Eric riding a horse. "Notice me. I'm Eric, on the horsey. Let's call him Pete. The two of us together, having fun, joy merriment." Cory raised his hand. "Cory."

"I wanna be over there now." Cory said, getting up and walked over to Jack, Shawn and Zoey.

Topanga grabbed onto her husband's arm. "Take me with you!"

"Alright, if any of you need me, I'm gonna be at the poison store." Eric said as he walked out of the apartment.

Shawn looked over Jacks' shoulder at the computer. "Interesting family on Dad's side. His great grandfather and great uncle were born in Scotland, and what they were known for was was, well... one day, they slaughtered their entire village. I come from thieves and pillages. I come from bad people."

"Hey, you know, we haven't looked up your mum's side." Zoey reminded him.

"I've had three mothers." Shawn stated.

"Yes, uh, Virna, Ming Wa, and Elaine." Jack read from the computer.

Shawn gave his brother a pointed look. "I think we can rule Ming Wa out."

"Which leaves Elaine." Zoey said.

"Elaine McGinty. Ah, yes. Last spotted in Boston." Jack informed.

Shawn smiled. "She's probably sitting in a Coffeehouse, reading poetry right now. You think Elaine's where I got my poetry thing, Cor?"

"No." Cory replied.

"Why not?" Shawn asked.

"I just don't want you to expect anything." Cory told him.

"Okay, I've entered all the information, so all you have to do is hit 'search', and they'll send you the result a few days later in the mail." Jack told his younger brother. "Sure you want to do this, right?"

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