144| The Honeymoon is Over

Start from the beginning

Zoey was most thrilled for the moment that she was ready to walk down the isle and everyone is seeing her for the first time - especially Shawn. And then after the ceremony when they get to gave fun! She was so excited, she couldn't wait.

The engaged couple walked into the Student Union and saw Cory and Topanga, looking stressed. Turned out Eric and Jack had taken Cory's old dorm room, so they had nowhere to live at the moment.

"Hey, guys!" Shawn greeted.

"Well, Hello, Shawn and Zoey. Well rested?" Cory asked.

Zoey smirked and sat down beside Topanga on the couch. "Well, we have very good news for you."

"Mike and Debbie Faferman had a fight." Shawn announced.

"He criticized her salad, so she shot him." Zoey informed with a smile.

Topanga furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Why is this good news?"

"Because she's gonna do time, and the dorm's gonna be available." Zoey explained.

"And those married dorms have gotta be great. You know how married people live, sophisticated, very posh." Shawn added, placing a hand on Cory's shoulder.

Cory smiled. "Ah, you hear that, Topanga? Posh."


The next day, Topanga, Cory and Zoey sat at a table in the Student Union. Zoey felt bad as she noticed how tired, stressed, upset and annoyed the newly wedded couple looked in front of her.

Shawn sat down beside his fiancée, passing her a coffee. "So, how are the married dorms? Pretty sweet setup, I'm guessing."

"We have bugs." Cory said tiredly.

"Everybody's got bugs." Shawn responded, wrapping an arm around Zoey's shoulders.

"Our bugs have cars." Cory corrected.

"Your worst problem should be bugs." Shawn told him.

Cory nodded. "True, you're right. But it's not."

"What, there's more?" Zoey wondered.

"Just please change the subject, and don't change it to plumbing, don't change it to crying babies, and don't mention the fact that there was a guy shot in our apartment over a salad, the remains of which are still on the wall!" Topanga exclaimed frustratedly.

"The guy or the salad?" Zoey asked.

"I don't really want to know. I ate it anyway." Topanga replied.

"Okay... let's talk about the married thing." Shawn insisted, changing the subject.

"What about it?" Cory questioned.

"What's the biggest difference?" Shawn wondered.

"What, between being boyfriend and girlfriend?" Cory asked.

Shawn nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, you know, we're together." Cory answered, rubbing Topanga's back soothingly. "We're together in everything. We're there for each other, and even though everything we're going through right now may not be ideal, we're getting through it. I think we're handling it well."

Zoey frowned when she noticed a tear rolling down Topanga's face.

"Topanga, are you crying?" Zoey asked wondered softly.

"No, why would you say that?" Topanga questioned, her voice breaking.

"Because tears are coming out of your eyes, and your face is all scrunched up." Zoey told her.

"This is crying?" Topanga asked.

Zoey nodded her head. "Yeah."

"Then I've been crying for three days." Topanga cried.

Shawn frowned as he glanced between the newlyweds. "Guys, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing. I'll be okay. I'm sorry. I'll be fine." Topanga assured, sniffling and wiped a tear away with her hand.

Topanga got out of her chair and strolled out of the Student Union. Zoey immediately chased after her without hesitation to comfort her friend.

"Topanga!" Zoey called.

When Topanga stopped, Zoey pulled her into an embrace. Topanga sobbed into her best friends shoulder. Her body shook with every cry, Zoey stood there with her just holding her and telling her repeatedly that everything would be alright.

PUBLISHED: March 17, 2019
WORDS: 1135

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