Chapter 1 Part 6- Roped Up in a Killing Game

Start from the beginning

"I'll... avenge... her..." I whispered.


I opened the murder file. Which, began giving me info on the dead body.

Victim: Furuya Saki
Age: 17
Height: 6'1
Weight: 122
Time of Death: 1:00-4:00 PM
Cause of Death: The victim threw up a mass amount of blood, resulting in loss of bodily fluids, which ultimately took her life in a matter of seconds.
Bodily Wounds: None.

I stared at the file. This was going to be important. Well, it was always going to be important, but reading through it, I can tell that it's going to be a very big deal.

Truth Bullet 1- Murder File

I walked over to Kajiwara, who seemed to just be staring at the body.

"H- hey, do you know any about th- the murder." I said.

"Sadly, no. But I'm planning on performing an autopsy to try and determine further evidence." He replied. I nodded. That would be good. "For now, let us examine the body. I took a dry gulp, staring at Furuya. She'd want me to live on. To bring her justice. I'm just... afraid.

I stepped forward, inspecting her face. She had a mass amount of blood covering her mouth, and running down her chin. Huh... that's strange.

Truth Bullet 2- Blood on the Lips

I looked at her feet. A rope had been tied tightly around her ankles. The position of the body was in the air, where she dangled from the balcony.

Truth Bullet 3- Hanging Rope

I grabbed her hand, looking it over for a moment. Without success of finding a clue, I grabbed her other hand. My eyes went wide. On the tips of her fingers was a small amount of powder. But it's not on her palms or on the back of her hand.

Truth Bullet 4- White Powder on the Fingers

I looked to her legs. Holding her dress to her legs was a bit of duct tape. It had been placed on the skirt where it met the tights. I didn't really understand why they'd put duct tape there. Maybe to preserve the dignity of the dead body?

Truth Bullet 5- Duct Tape

I stared for a moment. The body had been hanged from the balcony. But, why would the killer do that?

Truth Bullet 6- Position of the Dead Body

I looked to the floor around her. It was just normal carpet. There seemed to be no evidence of blood anywhere close to where she was held, the floor being entirely clean. But... wait... that doesn't make any sense.

Truth Bullet 7- Carpeted Floor

Beside her body was a book. It was laid out before the body had been lowered to the ground. It just so happens, it's the mystery novel I witnessed Furuya reading during the party. I picked up the book, examining it. It's completely clean, but doesn't seem to be tampered with.

Truth Bullet 8- Mystery Novel

I paused, looking around the area. There didn't seem to be any other clues around the place. I paused, thinking to myself. I looked up at the balcony, taking a deep sigh. If I wanted to get more evidence, I'd have to go to where the body was hanged.

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