Untitled 8

174 3 1

Too tired to add the warnings I'll edit later.

SELF HARM WARN , grabber recovery focused chap, angst))

I held onto my prayer beads in shaky hands and I prayed.

God, rest me upon your hands. I'm tired.

My heart screamed to God.


A hand scrubbed the nape of my neck as he snuck by like an intrusive fox and settled down next to me.

I pried an eye open and inspected the sappy boy next to me. His puppy dog like attributes shown through the lights in the windowsill. He stretched his randomly long limbs and shook the curls on his head.

It was two years ago I was staring into that devils eyes, the face of death wet at his lips. He waited for me around one corner and another, belt strained across his lap like a snake, ready to sink its metal teeth into the flesh of a frail, uneasy boy that so happened to cross it's owners path.

Death didn't amuse me then. Nor does it frighten me now.

I'd cried for two years straight. The days went by and never to return to me.

the sourness of the dirt he'd dug into my skin was sneaking into my life.

I'd held my arms under lamp light and shiny reflecting blades. Guided by the belt marks, I dragged my switch blade down my arms, and then my thighs and my stomach littered with binged light chub.

Goodbye. I told the belt scars as they bled over and fell into the paper towels. I watched the belt marks get replaced by my newfound power, I felt the glimmer in Al's imaginary eyes fade. The life drift out of him again as he did when he'd been caught.

It was only when I realized I wasn't the one who did it.

That was when Finney pulled up his own shirt one day.

And showed me how he rippled. How he bled.
So I picked him up. And carried him to rest. It was only then I realized how the world was still spinning.

The minutes ticked by. Death was around somewhere in life.

What was I doing? Time was gathering and I was wasting it on cutting my thighs.

I was ashamed. I looked back down on myself.

Red, red, red.

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