Rinney's - Dorje Khadro Fire Puja

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((Hi guyez, happy new year 2023. Crazy to think that this was the fandom that launched a lot of my work into 10k+ , insane <3 thank you to all that read, voted commented and collabed this year. My work had been noted on by so many. Love u all.))

Warning (but not really) :

Religious practices (Buddhist because I'm Buddhist ☸️)

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Religious practices
(Buddhist because I'm Buddhist ☸️)

"You're such a nerd"

"I'm a nerd but YOU promised to take me." Robin swung his hands as he paraded the other with quick persuasive kisses wherever he could.

Finney put his hand on Robins face to quit the excessive kissing. But he had this goofy grin on his face.

"Fine. But I can't promise that I'll stay there for an hour."

Robin lit up and threw his hands around the others waist and swung him around. "Thanks Finn!" He laughed. Finney pressed his forehead to the others as he complained to be set down.

"You're welcome Rob."


"It's cold as shit." Finney tightened his coat around himself. The temple was a quick walk and settle, but even with the bright shrines and pillows and blankets. It was still cold.

"Shut up." Robin jokingly nudged. "They don't have AC. But you can't cuss in here."

Finney rolled his eyes and sat on the prayer cushion next to him. Putting a hand on the others lower back and rubbing it soothingly.

It was a quick mention. Robin prayed, Finney watched in amusement and boredom. Scanning the shelves of the colorful prayer flags and food offerings as he cuddled up next to the praying boy, who didn't mind a bit.

There was some chanting that Finney didn't understand even through Robin explaining it, but Robin slapped the back of his head playfully when he  said he wasn't gonna read together from it. But gave in even with the little mispronounces.

Then they were shuffled outside after they put their shoes back on. Robin shoved a cup of black sesame seeds in a paper cup in Finney's hands.

"What. Why?" Finney asked.

"Have you not been listening? It's the Dorje Khadro Fire Puja." Robin had a great smile on his face as he adjusted the bandana.

"What is it?"

"It's hard to explain in a single explanation Finn. But ridding the karma of your sins basically."

Finney shrugged.

The teacher led the two in chant. Robin was into it. Pouring the enlist of black sesame seeds on his hand, Finney doing the same, but with less enthusiasm and more confusion.

"Now you chant. Do what I just did. And you throw them in the fire."

Robin whispered under his breath, grabbing the ends of finney's coat to pull him closer, to help him as he did it.

Robin threw a handful of his own seeds in the fire and heard the roar of the sudden flames.

"I don't know how to do this robin."

"Just do it."

"I'll see you Monday night." Robin recited to someone in the shrine room. Finney stood behind him, hand on the middle of his back.

After quick thank you's and quick recites. The two left.

"God they serve so much fuckin' food." Finney complained. "I feel like I'm gonna implode"

"Well if you're gonna vomit don't do it on me I will beat you."

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