Robin. Youre such a screw up.

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((Shoutout to the person who said my chapter titles inspire them.))

Finney is deaf after the grabber. Robin is learning ASL (American sign language)
Prompt taken from the groupchat. Kisses to u all ))

Reminder: me nor anyone in my family is deaf. This is a project I'm using to expand my diversity in writing. All comes from research. Criticism is open.

Finney didn't speak, he never knew if the words would sound the same. He spoke through his hands now. The hands he used to write and play baseball also shared his words.

Being his boyfriend since before both of them were taken, Robin spent hours practicing ever since they got back. Sheets stay plastered all over his bedroom. ASL Classes marked on his calendar for Wednesday and Friday.

Robin was determined.

They met in the empty art room, sat on the stools, Finney had a small smile on his face.

The councilors let them in there for an hour every two days, Robin couldn't be more thankful.

He placed kisses on finney's face and Finney pushed him back with laughs.

Robin was about to say something but he pursed his lips and watched as Finney brought his hands up to his chest.

"Remember, stupid."

He spoke with his eyes too. It was easy to tell if he was joking, or actually mad.

"Sorry." Robin signed back. Finney looked down as he giggled to himself.

Finney seemed to stutter with his hands too. Signing something - then forgetting or taking it back. Robin would always smile to himself about that.

Robin reached over to grab at finney's shoulders. Make him look back up with pursed lips.

Robin brought up a slightly shaky hand.

It was cold, but he couldn't tell if that was the issue.




Finney bit back tears immediately. Robin pulled him into his embrace.

He shushed him - he knew the other couldn't hear him. But it was in his blood.

Robin looked around the art of the classroom. The bird paintings on the walls. Original characters.

He kissed finney's mop of hair, who didn't cry for long, he just laid on robins plain polo shirt, fiddling with the end of his own.





His hands came up to sign.

Okay, "dad" - Rinney ( Finney x Robin ) oneshots collection Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt