Screw ur happy rave btw im a depressed pinata!

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(So people kept denying me this rq so the gc is doing it itself.

I can't thank Thatchibi569  for doing this w me lmfaooo💀 they make me very happy bc this plot has been haunting me all night

Robin and finney meet their child for the first time. 🫶🏻🫶🏻 purely sappy, cringy fluff because of all the angst this fandom provides.

For this one - Pls credit if you get inspired. Pleas I beg))

This moment would be a picture locked into Finney's mind for however long he lived,A perfect picture with a promise of life and family,
A picture filled with hope for a future Finney had always dreamed of without even realizing,and that moment was now.

Maybe Finney was driving too fast, or maybe his hands shook so much. Robin was in the passenger seat this time. He felt equally as nervous but remained slumped over and on his phone. Legs up on the dashboard. Damn, Finney never remembered the drive to the hospital being this long . He had met with the surrogate plenty of times or gone to learn about how to care for their future child. But this drive felt longer.

His fingers tapped against the steering wheel, a nervous habit he happened to pick up a while back when he was just a teenager learning to drive. the anxiety from being behind the wheel would for sure never leave but maybe his reason for being anxious was for another. He looked over to Robin's shoulders slump and posture loose. How he was so relaxed was his fleeting thought.

Robin sat up again and looked over to finney. "Are you okay?" He said, he gave a laugh to lighten the situation and Finney laughed at the situation, at himself for how he was acting. "I'm alright- excited? Nervous. What's the mixed feeling called." He adjusted the radio for no reason, reaching down to search through the bins of the car to pull himself out of the sudden nervousness. He kept his eyes on the road but he was so out of it. "Calm yourself. You look like you're about to die." Robin jokes.

Finney lightly chuckles at that "you're overacting don't you think?" Robin laughs a sweet sound that Finney has gotten used to over the years but always finds a way to crawl into his heart and make him full body shudder. "Your the one who looks like your about to shit yourself" finney nudges robins shoulder "am not" "are to" a moment of silence hangs over them "are you sure your okay?" Robin asks for what feels like the hundredth time that day "positive" Finney afferms.

It was true that finney had acted like he was the one in labor all night. He paced around and complained of little aches while Robin stayed on the bed with his nose in a magazine. "That woman is going to deliver a baby and all you can think about is how you did that one thing two years ago." He'd say. — but Robin wasn't any different. He'd never admit it though.

Finney pulls his eyes away from robins seemingly relaxed figure and keeps his eyes on the road that seems to take him nowhere but somewhere at the same time. the sound of cars honking and people yelling drowned out for him like he was stuck underwater and he could barely hear the people on the surface yelling at him to come up.

So Finney didn't care that he parked a bit slanted in the hospital parking lot. Finney didn't care that he accidentally went through the metal detector with an obvious watch on his wrist that he'd have to apologize for not noticing, and he didn't care when Robin told him to calm himself. He was down the hospital halls in a blur.

Each room seeming more similar to the last then the last until Finney had found the room he was looking for. nervous jitters starting to a rise he was ready but not ready and he was scared but excited. Everyone always says the most special moment in life can be when you hold your child for the first time. he didn't believe it at first mostly believing meeting robin was the most special person he could meet and it was. but this moment was about robin and him so he doesn't know exactly what to think when he opens that door.

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