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The black phone
Both little finney and Robin.

Eating disorder/ disordered eating

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Eating disorder/ disordered eating

Eating disorder/ disordered eating

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Child abuse

Child abuse

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Lil Finney cg Robin
- Finn has a huge oral fixation that leads him to chew on EVERYTHING dawg.
- robin mainly wears band tank tops when taking care of finney lol
- robin let's finney chew on his shirt because why not
- finney can get REAL hyper. Like BAD hyper.
- robin has to remind him to calm down.
- Robin believes that all littles deserved to be spoiled. (He is Far from correct)
- finney regresses younger. So he is mainly very sleepy.
- when he's feeling a bit older he just follows Robin around everywhere.
- robin says finney reminds him of a parrot.
- (update) robin wants a parrot.
- nicknames for finney include ; rugrat, chicken, dove, lovebird, hell in a living being.
-Nicknames for robin include ; bastard
- Finney can bite. Like. Real bad.
- Finney sometimes refuses to eat and robin has to bribe him. They both end up in tears.
- robin practically has to force him to take his medication because finney is just to scared lol
- nightmares can result in hours of restless time.
- Finney has bad episodes. He's regressed half of the time but they had to teach the neighbors not to call the cops if finney suddenly screams bloody murder.
- ptsd episodes too. Those are bad.
-they definitely do not have a phone.

Lil Robin cg finney
Note! My twin has epilepsy. So all of these things I put here are like true epilepsy facts.
- beats the living hell outta his pillows and finney kinda just lets him do his thang LMAOO
- Finney makes robin cookies a lot.
- robin never sleeps.
- I hc Robin has epilepsy due to the fights he's been in. He has a variety of different seizures and finney has to help.
- robin has head seizure tics along with the epilepsy and he nods off and can't see for like 15 seconds. So finney has to just hold his hand through that.
- robin likes Garfield
- robin has a little hyena plush he brings everywhere. Constantly holding that scraggly lil thing
- Finney can not cook omfg

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