Daym chucky season 2 out tomorrow das crazy bruh

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"He who lifts the Holy Shield and the Hammer of Judgement will vanquish the darkness that grips the land once again!" Finished the teacher and you could hear the spine of the book shut fast, the scuff of finneys chair as he jumped in surprise.

Robin leant over. "Did you hear how corny that ending was!" He adjusted the chain of his necklace that held the picture of holy Mary. "That was shit!"

Finney turned quickly as well, they giggled like a group of gossiping girls. - "it was! What was even the context? Hell! We should write our own!" The boys were hyper like a pack of giggling hyenas.

"You suck at writing." Robin laughed, finney hit at his shoulder, reaching beneath the table to hold his hand again.

"Weren't you never in this class?" Finney wasnt that smart in ELA. Given robin being the direct opposite and being a higher level they were put in separate classes.

"Nope." He smiled, looked around the class before he placed a kiss atop finneys knuckles.

"They never check attendance. So I snuck in here for you, it's kind of accepted now." He moved to kiss his cheek now. Finney giddying but pushing him away. They were known as that couple who were known to make out in the hallways or just be together all the time. Finney didn't want to ruin his in class perception as well.

Finney shrugged. "Not complaining" he watched as robin turned the book around in his hands and read the back of the cover, he had this shiteating smirk plastered on his face as if he'd discovered a new way to make fun of someone.

He pointed, whispered. "Isn't that the kid you can stack twenty coins in his Afro and he wouldn't notice?" He turned to finney, a hand slapped over his smile that turned into laughter. Finney tried to keep his smile away and pursed his lips as he nodded. "It's not that funny." He giggled.

"It is though."

"Shut up!"

The laughter of both of them caused the teacher to look up. "I thought I moved you two away from each other. Robin, would you please switch desks with..."

She paused, Robin had his chin angled up in that self shining pose. His cheeks tinted with past laughter. His smile lines on his cheeks shown recklessly.

"Over there somewhere. I don't know. Just stop flirting."

Okay, "dad" - Rinney ( Finney x Robin ) oneshots collection Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora