38. Closure and Confessions

Start from the beginning

He tears his eyes from mine, looking down to ground as if he was trying to find something, the words to say or whether or not to actually confide in me. Can't blame him if doesn't talk to me, I mean, I have been awful to him.

"If I'm being honest," he starts, looking back up to look to my eyes. "Your offer."

I'm taken back by his sudden confession. I don't know if he's ever thought about it before or if I finally stuck a cord with him somewhere along the line. Taeyong has been working hard to get Ten to even consider, it's all up to me now.

I take the opportunity to throw our past far away, I move towards him and take a sit right next to him on the table. "And what about my offer?" I say in a softer voice.

"Are you sure you can take him down? How will I get out of this unscathed? What will I do after this? What if it doesn't work?" He pours out his worries and concerns.

"I am 110 percent positive that his reign is coming to an end, he's not getting out of this one. Taeyong spoke to you about NCT, they can protect you, along with Baekhyun setting up an escape plan for you and giving you some leniency. The only way to make sure you're truly safe is if you join them." I address his concerns, leaving the what if for last. "Don't even think about the what ifs, focus on the present and the choices you make now."

He takes a deep breath, looking directly into my eyes, contemplating everything I just expressed to him, throwing my heart on my sleeve. The talons that had sunk into my neck, now burning at the source. The past no longer controls me and I will never let it again, for it doesn't define me.

"Okay, I'm in. What do I have to do?"


Hopefully this doesn't get me killed

I sigh out loud, my hands were shaking as I move one of them to knock on the giant wooden door of the Lee Estate. I fiddle with the silver chain with a ruby gem around my neck, tapping it twice to make sure the recording device was on, the matching earrings were the video recording device, which meant my hair was thrown up into a ponytail.

The first thing I noticed when the door opens is a flaming hot pink mullet. Mark sends me a quick wink before pulling the door open and leading me to the living room.

Mark knew exactly what was happening here today, he volunteered that I come on a day that he was at the house. Dohwa is least likely to expect Mark to be plotting against him, he also mentioned he wanted to be there to witness any punches being thrown.

Ten was able to divulge a very important piece of information, and that was to keep Dohwa out of his office as it was bugged, meaning that any device used to record was going to be scrambled. Ten said the best place to get him to talk would be the dining room.

Taking that into account I move into the formal dining room and sit at the opposite end of the table, waiting for the prey to enter the cage.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Dohwa enters the dining room, standing the doorway with his hands in his pockets.

I glare at him, not bothering to stand or greet him. "I just want to talk, have a seat." I gesture to his normal seat at the end of the table, like the king he thinks he is.

"This is my house; you don't tell me what to do." He bared his teeth, grinding them slightly as the vein in his forehead threatened to pop.

"Sit." I demand, already getting over this high and mighty attitude of his. To my surprise he takes a seat directly in front of me. Right where I want you

"And what is it that you like to talk about today, your highness?" he questions rather sarcastically, clasping his hands in front of him on the table. "Come to beg to let me back into my home after that catastrophe with your lover boy?"

My teeth grind immediately, sick of his shit and wanting to get this done so I can go home and wash the grossness off me. "Oh, Dohwa. I'll never beg for anything from you."

"Get to the point, Chaeyeong." He grows impatient.

"Why did you do it?" I question him, baiting him into crumbling and that starts with my dad.

"Do what?" he fired back, clearing his throat a little, knowing he's been caught.

"Murder my father." He starts to laugh, but I'm quick to cut him off. "Don't pretend like you didn't. It is amazing what you can remember when you move past the trauma. What was it? Were you too jealous of him or were too in love with him that if you couldn't have him, no one could."

He slams his hands down on the table, rage blurring his eyes as I call him out. I can practically hear his teeth being shredded down to nubs form my seat.

"You want to know what? I loved putting that bullet into Eun Minho. I loved watching the way he bled to death, the way his wife cried in my arms and the way his beloved daughter carried the guilt for years." Bingo. His first confession.

"Well, with him out of the way, who was going to stop you running your drugs?" I think Dohwa expected me to react differently, maybe to jump across the table and sock him in the nose. Judging by the misstep in his facial feature he wasn't expecting me to be so calm.

"He was a pain; he never saw my vision." He starts off, ready to brag and not realise he was doing himself in. "I wanted to create Hybrid back in high school, but your father told me it was a bad idea. I had to do a few tests runs obviously, make a few different one and test on the lab rats." By lab rats he meant human.

"Why? What's with the infatuation?" I ask him, generally curious myself.

He starts to laugh, his inner psycho letting loose. "Because, why not? I'm the one that gets to control everyone, I'm the one that creates these drugs that get people so hocked out of their minds they don't know what their doing. Atlas, I have created my very own henchman that cannot lead and feds back to me. Isn't it obvious? I want to control the world."

"You're a psycho." I grit my own teeth, starting to become so enrage by this man's strange and violent delusions.

"A psycho who also controls you, because I know your weaknesses." He turned cocky with a devilish smirk. "I turned you against your one escape from this world and I also ripped your mother out from underneath you."

Fuck this mission

"Where is she?" I practically growled out, seething with anger. He wanted me to react and he's even digging as deep as he can.

"Don't worry, she in a room, far away from here, where she is safe from you. She's given meals three times a day, drinks her water out of metal cup and keeps herself warm with her own skin" He pauses, noticing how close I am to combusting and driving that butter knife through his heart. "I killed your father and now I'm going to murder your mother and make you watch just like you watched your dad."

I abruptly stand, the screeching of the chair resonating around the room, he looks pleased with himself. "Go to hell, you sick fuck." I spit out, venom dripped from my lips as I stand and pull my jacket closer.

I contemplate killing him right here and now and being done with this, but I don't. I glare at him one more time. Once I reach the front door, it opens, revealing Ten behind it. Knowing that Dohwa is watching, I nudge his shoulder forcibly before exited the estate, smirking once I was out of the gates of hell.

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