Reunited | Joseph Quinn

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You recently got hired as 'set manager' for Stranger Things 4. It was a dream come true. Now being part of the crew, you were gifted a hotel room for every place you traveled to, free of charge.

Work had been slow for you. You couldn't get a job working on sets of films/tv shows for a while. The last one you worked was for the Makeup film. So to be back doing something you loved, it felt great.

Upon your first day, you got to know the team you'd be working with and made friends. Being manager meant you got control of where things were placed or if something looked wrong, you could change it. The first scene you were working on was the cafeteria scene. You were given a backstory of what would be happening so you got everyone in place and double checked for any issues.

It now came to the main table they were shooting. The cast came over and you guided them on their positions etc. when Joe walked over to the table and found his seat. You didn't register it was Joe, since he was in costume, until you walked over to him and asked him if he could quickly stand up so you could adjust the table.

"Y/N?" You haven't changed one bit." He spoke. You looked confused at him but those brown eyes couldn't fool anyone. "Joseph?" Oh my.. how have you been?" You gave him a friendly hug. "I'm great, how have you been? You look fantastic." Your cheeks became a rosy colour from his compliment. "I've been doing great."

Gaten butted in the conversation. "You two know each other?" Joe's eyes wouldn't leave your face as Gaten asked that question. "Yeah, Y/N worked on the most recent film I did. We were really close back then." Your smile began to fade when Joe said that. After the filming for Makeup had finished, you and Joe lost contact as he had other things to focus on. You two were extremely close. He'd take you to the cinema or go for a meal or just hang out but you loved his company and developed some feelings towards him. They were crushed when Joe wasn't in town to hang out.

"Places everybody." Matt shouted. Everyone began shuffling around and got in their places. "We'll catch up later on, yeah?" He said as he got into place. You nodded in agreement and walked off behind the cameras so they could film.

Mixed emotions came flooding back to you just thinking about Joe. He probably has a girlfriend now, you thought. Things would've changed and the friendship probably won't be as good as it used to be.

Everything went well with filming. The scene was shot a few times as people kept messing up their lines, mainly Joe. At some points during filming, his eyes would wonder off over to your direction and would lose focus on the scene. He eventually got it right and the shooting was done for the day. You waited for Joe but he spoke with cast mates so you wondered off back to the canteen to grab some food.

"Y/N, wait up." You heard a voice shout. You turned around and saw Joe running towards you. You gave him a fake smile. "Hey, how's it going?" You asked. "It's going great. I just wanted a catch up with you that's all. Are you free this evening?" His smile still looked the same as before. "Umm, sure I'm free." "Great, where are you staying? I could come meet you." "I'm staying at the Hilton." The conversation continued as you got some food. It turns out, Joe is staying their too, but on a different floor.

"How about we head there together? Be nice to talk along the way." It was only a 30 minute walk back so it would give you time to talk about things. "Sure, let me just go get my things and I'll meet you here."

You headed to your trailer to grab your things and waked back to the canteen where Joe was waiting patiently.

"I'm ready if you are." You spoke, alerting Joe to head off with you.

The walk started off awkward as neither of you could fill the silence that fell upon you both. "So, uh, how's your life been?" You asked, releasing a sigh of relief as nerves kicked in. "It's been good. I had a relationship with a lovely girl." You felt crushed hearing that, even if you didn't want Joe to be happy, you still had some feelings for him. "That's nice." You interrupted. "Well, we split up not long ago but I'm doing fine. I'm excited to be on Stranger Things and I'm happy I get to work with you again." His smile appeared. You looked at him and smiled. "Same." Your response was.

While walking, Joe's hand slipped into yours, back like he did before. Out the corner of your eye, you could see Joe looking for a reaction from your face. He noticed you were blushing. "How's your life been?" He asked. "It's fine. Haven't had much work. Still no relationship but I'm fine." He sensed it was a lie but nonetheless kept the conversation going as you entered the hotel lobby.

Joe was on a higher floor than you, so you stopped by your room to drop things off then headed to Joe's.

"Nothings changed with you, does it?" You laughed, looking at the mess around the hotel room. "Oh behave." He laughed back, playfully pushing you. "Oh it's so good to see you again, Y/N." He pulled you in for a hug. Your ear leaning against his chest. Hearing his heart beating in a soothing rhythm, smelling his cologne in the process. "I missed you Joe." "I missed you too Y/N."

You sat down on his bed as you watched him pick up a few items off the floor. "I miss the good times we had, like after filming at 3am and we ran into the sea. We were freezing." You laughed at the memory. "Then we came back to my room and showered together." He continued. "Yeah, we had some fun memories together." Somewhere deep down, Joe had feelings for you. He looked over at you and saw your head facing down, twiddling your thumbs together. He gently sat himself down next to you. "What's wrong?" His hand placed gently on yours. "Guess we ain't gunna have those memories again, are we?" You took a big gulp as your eyes got a bit watery. "What do you mean?"

"Joe, I had feelings for you back then. And when filming was done, you got busy with other jobs and I had nobody. I thought my feeling had gone, until we saw each other today. Now I'm not so sure." Your hands covered your face to hide the tears. Joe rested his hand on your back, rubbing in a soothing manner. He heard the sniffles that were muffled from your hands. "Y/N. Look at me, darling." You shook your head. "Please. I think we have some talking to do." You didn't respond so he took it upon himself to remove your hands away.

"I felt the same way too. I got caught up with my job and finding new roles to play. My ex, I knew for a while and we met up and kinda just got together. But after the audition for ST, we broke up. The relationship didn't feel right because I was still thinking about you. I know I ruined what we had by running off but this is fate." Joe started getting really eyed. You took his hand in yours. "Seeing you for the first time again today, I knew I wanted to sort things out with you and make this work."

"Joe, don't feel bad. You have big things coming your way. Don't ruin your life by staying with me. You deserve someone great for you." You doubted yourself but Joe won't take no for an answer. "You are great for me. All those memories we share together. I want those days back again, where I can laugh and have fun. With you."

"Really?" You questioned, really hoping this wasn't a dream. "Y/N it's always been you. Since we first met. Always you."

"I never stopped loving you."

Joseph Quinn: ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon