Shut Up And Kiss Me | Eddie Munson

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Eddie had distanced himself from you for a few days. He ignored you at school and even stopped dropping you off home after. You couldn't work out what you did wrong.

He asked you out a few weeks ago and you both chose to take it slow, so nothing gets ruined. He was sweet and caring. Always making sure you were ok and was always touching you. Whether it be his leg touching yours or holding hands, as long as he was touching you, he didn't care.

But all that changed at the start of the week. He never picked you up from school like usual and he blanked you in the hallway.

You arrived at the lunch table before Eddie did and spoke with Dustin. "Have you found out why he's ignoring me?" You asked, looking upset.
"Nope. He hasn't told us why. But there's something that's bothering him because he's cancelled Hellfire tonight."

You looked at the boys in disbelief as they weren't happy about it either. "What is going on with him?" You said aloud.
He arrived at the table, slamming his tray down, making the boys and you jump. You tried to avoid eye contact with him but couldn't help yourself.

You caught a quick glimpse and realised he was giving you dagger eyes. His look made you flinch and you shook your head. What have I done wrong? You though.

The tension at the table could be cut with a knife. The boys spoke amongst themselves and Eddie stayed silent, listening in. Gareth mentioned about the next gig at The Hideout. You'd been to watch them play the last few weeks and enjoyed your time.

"Y/N, are you coming again this week?" Gareth asked and all heads turned to you, including Eddie. You took one look at Eddie and looked back. "I don't think you guys want me there. I'm..nothing special."

Eddie cleared his throat and stormed out the cafeteria. You felt all eyes on you again and you buried your head in your arms. "Don't worry, Y/N. He'll be his usual self in no time." Dustin tried to reassure you but it didn't work.

A few stray tears rolled down your cheeks as you got up from the table and walked to the girls bathroom. You found an empty stall and cried some more. Why am I not good enough?

You knew Eddie would be sat at his bench, ready to skip next class. It took you a while but you chose to go find him and settle this once and for all.

You made your way across the field and into the trees to Eddie's bench. You spotted him there from a distance, smoking a joint like usual. The nerves kicked in as you approached more.

You slammed yourself down on the opposite side of him. "Jesus fuckin Christ." He yelled. "What's wrong with you?" You cut straight to the point.
"Nothing." He muttered, avoiding looking at you.

"I've clearly upset you. You've avoided me all week. I'm sorry if I've done something to upset you. I know I'm just a loser and stupid but I'm sorry for whatever I've done." You were crying again.

Eddie sighed. "You haven't done anything. It's me." He moved himself to your side, sitting next to you.
You were scared to look up at him, so you buried your head in your arms.

"Y/N, I promise you haven't done anything. It's all me. I haven't been honest." He rested his hand on your back. It caught you off guard since this is the first time this week Eddie has touched you.

"What-what do you mean?" You lifted your head up slowly.

"I'm sorry I've treated you like this. I didn't want to but I thought it was best." Eddie squinted his eyes while he rubbed them.
"We agreed to take things slow between us so nothing would get ruined if things didn't work out."

"I guess things aren't working out for you then. I knew it. It's all my fault." You sniffled, turning your head away. You felt heartbroken.

"Y/N just listen!" Eddie snapped. "I distanced myself from you because... because I love you." He hesitated at first, but finally told you.
"I don't mean in a silly high school crush, I mean I really, really love you."

You were shocked, you didn't know how to react. "I knew it was too early to even tell you and we've only just started dating, but you're constantly on my mind. I can't get you out my fucked up head and I love you."

"The only way I could think of was distancing myself from you so I could lessen the feeling so I don't fuck this up, but all it did was make me worse. I missed you like crazy. I'm sorry for how I've been. The boys have been giving me a hard time about it but you're all I can think about and I wasn't sure if you'd even love me back to same amount."

You smiled at him, crying.

"I've been such a shit boyfriend to you and I understand if you want to break up with me. I know I would if I was in your shoes but I really do-"

"Shut up and kiss me." You interrupted his speech. He looked up at you from twiddling his fingers. He saw the smile spread across your face as you waited for your lips to meet his again.

He didn't waste a single second and placed his hand behind your neck, bringing you closer to him until your lips touched.
The feeling of his soft lips and the smell of cigarettes and weed lingered as the kiss lasted a long time.

You became needy, wanting him closer. He pulled you into his lap as you ran your fingers through his curly ends. His tongue grazed your bottom lip and you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to meet yours. 

After a couple minutes, you broke the kiss. "I love you too. And not in a high school crush way." You repeated his words from earlier. He smiled at you. His brown eyes lit up at the sound of you saying that.

"I'm sorry for being such a douche but I never wanna lose you, sweetheart."

"It's ok. You can make it up to me later." You but your bottom lip and gave him a cheeky wink. "That's my girl." He whispered, squeezing your ass.

"Now come on. You've gotta apologise to the boys for cancelling Hellfire. They're mad about it, I could sense it at the table."

Apologies for not posting on here for a while. This is a quick written one shot as I wanted to post something in here.
I've almost finished my Joseph Quinn story and I'll be moving onto my Eddie Munson one so keep your eyes peeled!
Have a great day/evening <3

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