Panic Attacks | Joseph Quinn

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"Baby, have you seen my shoes?" You asked Joe, as you guys were getting ready for attending Comic Con.

"They're in the bedroom, my love. I'll grab them for you." He goes off to get your shoes. While waiting, you checked Twitter and saw people uploading photos of people waiting for CC. "That's so many people." You said aloud

"What's that, darling?" Joe questioned. "Comic Con, it's full of people." You showed him the pictures you'd seen. "Blimey, you weren't kidding."

You finished getting ready and left the house for CC. Joe remembers you don't like big crowds of people. You always get bombarded and grabbed and it's not a nice feeling. Along the journey, Joe talks about how excited he is to meet fans. "They're all so sweet and lovely."

"We're here." His agent spoke. Your nerves are going crazy. All the fans waiting outside and what looks to be hardly no security. The van pulls up and Joe gets out. He turns to you and holds his hand out, giving you help. Fans are screaming wild for Joe. Starting to head towards the entrance, you keep tight hold of Joe, feeling yourself getting dizzy and out of breath.

One fan takes it too far and charges at Joe, then causing more fans to join in. Whatever security guards are available rush to help out but your hand is no longer holding onto Joe's.

Joe is being rushed into the building and thankfully Joe's agent helps you up after they pushed you over and quickly got you inside. Everything feels like a blur. Joe is panicking, looking for you.

You spot a little area where you can hide so you rush over there. Nobody is around. The peace and quiet. You drop to the floor, losing your vision. Everything a blur again. Every sound seems muffled. You heard somebody call your name, but couldn't work out the voice.

"Y/N. Can you here me, darling?" You make out a figure now crouched down next to you. "Take deep breaths Y/N." Your eyes slowly closed shut, losing all consciousness.

You wake up in what seems to be a medical room. Joe and staff members ended up carrying you to the medical room on site. Sadly Joe had to attend the event but had someone from his team to stay with you.

"What happened?" You asked, adjusting your eyes to the lights. "Y/N, you passed out but you've been brought to the medical room. We're just gonna quickly check you out, ok?" The nurse answered. As you began looking around the room, you spotted someone from Joe's team called Lizzie.

"Y/N, I'm just gonna let his agent know you're awake and fine." She spoke. You nodded and concentrated back onto the nurse.

"Everything seems fine. It seems like it was a panic attack that brought it on. I'm assuming from the fans outside. Just take it easy for the rest of the day, ok?"
You thanked the nurse and walked outside the room to where Lizzie was.

"You ready to head up there?" She asked. "Yeah, let's get today over with." You responded. You linked onto her arm and walked over to the main event and found Joe's agent.

"You feeling ok now? You gave us a scare." His agent joked. "I'm better now, thank you." Joe was occupied taking photos with fans. Thankfully it wasn't long before he had a break. You stood off to the side watching him interact with his fans and seeing how happy he is. He never even noticed you there.

His agent stopped the photos so Joe could have a break, which is when he saw you. He practically charged at you. "Hi baby. You ok now? You had me worried." He gave you a massive hug and kissed your cheek. "I'm fine, I just can't wait to get home. I feel exhausted." He took hold of your hand and walked outside so he could have a smoke. "It won't be long. I'm glad you're ok now."

You both spent some time alone outside. You hugged with Joe while he still smoked. Head on his chest, listening to his beating heart as he slowly rocked you. You were in your safe zone. "How about we get food afterwards, head back and snuggle up watching TV. Does that sound nice?" You gently nodded in agreement. "I'll maybe throw in a little back massage. I know how much you love them." He whispered. You gave a little squeeze as confirmation you wanted one, to which he chuckled.

It was time to head back inside so Joe could finish off photos and autographs, then do his panel. You sat down for the remainder of the time there. Always around either Joe or his team. They were all so polite and helpful.

You saw a few fans snapping photos of you. Pretending not to see them, you went on your phone to pass some time away. Twitter was full of photos of you after you'd passed out. Your heart began racing as you didn't think fans would've seen it happen. The further you scrolled, the more you saw. Even photos of you and Joe when he was on a break, cuddling, having a moment together.

You got a bit teary eyed thinking about how you have no privacy now. Lizzie spots you starting to cry and helps you out. "Y/N, you're safe from them all. Just try relax ok. There's not long left." She holds your hands to comfort you. Joe looks over and sees this happen. After he signed the most recent photo, he quickly ran over to you.

"Everything going ok? Do you need fresh air, darling?" He's worried about you again. "I'm fine, Lizzie is helping me. But thank you though." He smiled and kissed your knuckles as he ran back to the signing table and continued.

The panel didn't take long. Fans asked him random questions and the occasional relationship one would occur but Joe stayed professional and was sweet with his answers.

"Is Y/N ok? Photos have been going around of her passing out and we wanna know if she's ok." One fan asked. "She's doing better now, just a little panic attack but she's great. Thank you for caring about her, it's so sweet." His response was.

"Are you in love with Y/N? And how long have you guys been together?" Another asked. "I'm more than in love with Y/N. She's amazing and wonderful and I do love her. And it's been almost a year now, which is crazy." The audience was in awe of his answer. Hearing his words got you tearing up again.

The event was over and it was time to head back, which is what you've been excited for. Exiting the building, fans once again lost control and charged at Joe. One of them took it too far and dragged you away, hurting your arm in the process with her nails.

You looked down at your arm and saw some blood. Joe spotted you this time and dragged you into the van.

You were lost for words, out of breath and not being able to concentrate. You sat in the van, dazed out, not paying attention. Joe waved his arm in front of your vision. You broke down crying in fear. Arms wrapped around your head, trying to shit the world away.

"Y/N, breathe with me sweetheart. 1..2..3" Joe took deep breaths for you to copy but you couldn't concentrate. His agent spotted blood streaming down your arm. "She's bleeding. Is there a first aid kit in here?" She asked. "Y/N, focus on breathing. You're safe in here." He tried removing your arm to help stop the bleeding. "No get off! Leave me alone." You cried. "Y/N, we're just helping you. Just take some deep breaths with me." Your ears finally locked on to Joe's voice, getting your concentration back. Starting to take deep breaths, you slowly removed your arm and let them try stop the bleeding.

They ended up using Joe's jacket to wrap your arm around until you got back to the hotel. Now fully back to normal, you broke down on Joe's shoulder. "I'm so sorry for today. I've ruined it." He placed his hand on your cheek. Gently rubbing it. "No you haven't. Not at all. It's just been a bit of a shock for you today. We're heading back now so we can chill out together." Joe said.

His team were understanding and agreed with Joe that you didn't ruin the day.

The van pulled up to the hotel and you got out. Heading to your room, Joe found a first aid kit to patch your arm up.

"Let's head to the bathroom to clean you up." He guided you to the bathroom and sat you down on the toilet lid. He knelt down in front of you and found some antibacterial wipes to clean the area.

"It's gonna sting a little bit, darling. But it'll help clean the area." His voice sounded soothing. He wiped clean the area before applying a bandaid. The way his fingers grazed your skin. He was so gentle and caring.

"There we are, my love. All better. Now let's get into comfy clothes and watch tv, yeah?"

Joseph Quinn: ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon