Daddy Duties | Joseph Quinn

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You woke up feeling incredibly sick, unable to move. Your three year old daughter had nursery and you were suppose to take her. Joe was in a peaceful slumber next to you, snoring away with his mouth slightly open.

"Joe, wake up." You whispered as you nudged him awake. He jolted up as if something was wrong. "What's the matter?" He asked in a panic state. "I'm sorry to wake you but I feel so ill and I don't think I can take Poppy to nursery." Your throat hurt whenever you spoke. He rubbed his eyes and looked over at you. "My god, you look so pale. I don't mind taking her, my love."

He sat up and stretched his arms out. He looked over at you again and knew you were telling the truth. He saw how awful you looked. "You don't look well at all. I'll take care of Pops today, you stay in bed." He gave you a flash of his cheeky smile. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep again.

Joe made his way to Poppy's room to wake her up. "Morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" He knelt down to the level of her bed, whispering to her. "Yeah." She whispered back. "Where's mummy?" She yawned as she lifted her arms up for Joe to pick her up. "Mummy isn't well, so daddy is taking you to nursery today and looking after you when you get home."

She rested her head on Joe's shoulder as he carried her downstairs for breakfast. He sat her down at the table and made her a bowl of cereal. Poppy was always used to you taking her to nursery as Joe usually didn't have time while he was filming but today was an exception.

After breakfast, he took her to get dressed. "Daddy can I pick my own clothes out, please?" She said in a sweet tone. "Of course you can, my sweet girl." She got all excited, running to her drawers and picking out a T-shirt and trousers. The time was 8am, meaning it was time to leave.

"Let's put your shoes on and go to nursery." Joe picked up her shoes and gently placed them on her small feet. He stood up, holding his hand out for her to take as they both left for their short walk.

Upon arriving at nursery, Poppy got really nervous. "Daddy I don't want to go in." She buried her head into Joe's legs. "Hey what's the matter darling?" He moved her away so he could crouch down. "Is mummy ok? I'm scared about her." She rubbed at her eyes to stop the tears. "Of course she's ok. She's getting some rest because she's poorly but she'll be at home when you get back. Ok?"

She nodded but still hugged Joe tightly. "C'mon sweetheart. I promise she'll be ok and you can give her plenty of hugs when you get home. Let's get you settled inside." He walked her into nursery and was greeted by the teacher, Miss Williams. "She's just having a hard morning. Mummy is sick and she's worried about her but I've told her she'll be fine." Joe told Miss Williams.

"Aw bless her. She'll be fine with us. C'mon Poppy, shall we go play with the other kids?" Poppy had almost forgot about Joe as she ran off to see her friends. Joe smiled big as he stood watching his baby girl grow up.

Along the way home, Joe stopped off at the supermarket and grabbed you some medicine and some food to help you get better. He got home quickly as he wanted to nurse you back to health.
He placed all the things into the kitchen and made his way up to see you.

"Hey my love. How do you feel?" He questioned, placing the back of his hand on your forehead. "I feel awful." Joe could tell your throat was swollen as you barely made a noise when talking.
"Did Poppy go into nursery ok?" You added on. "Yeah she did, but never mind that. I've got you some medicine and I'll go make you some soup. You stay in bed and I'll be up in a minute." He kissed your hot forehead.

"Can you help me up, please? I need the bathroom." He did as you asked and even guided you to the bathroom. He noticed your body was weak so he made sure you were fine before leaving you to do your business.

He made his way downstairs and made you some soup. He was heating it up when he heard a loud bang from upstairs. He ran up in the speed of light and saw you sat on the bathroom floor.

"Sorry, I stood up too fast and went dizzy." You were apologetic to him. "Don't apologise, it's not your fault." He noticed you couldn't really focus on him and your head was slightly moving side to side. "Y/N, how many fingers am I holding up?"
You pointed your finger up at what you thought was his fingers, but it was way off. "Three?"

Joe let out a big sigh. "Two fingers, baby."
"Hey, don't be sorry. Let's get you back in bed." He picks you up and helps you to walk to bed. "I'll be up shortly with your soup and medicine." He whispered. He ran off back downstairs to finish off the soup.
No longer than 10 minutes later, he came up with a tray, holding the bowl of soup, a glass of juice and some medicine.

"Here we go darling. All for you." He gave you the medicine first and then allowed you to enjoy the soup. "Thank you." You whispered, leaving him with a smile. "You concentrate on getting better."

Before he could leave the room, your phone rang. It was Nursery calling. Joe answered the call.
You waited impatiently for the call to end to find out what was wrong.

"Pops has been sick. I'll go pick her up."
Joe left in a hurry, taking the car this time. He made his way to the entrance and Poppy was already waiting for him with her belongings.

"Hi my darling. Are you not well?" She shook her head. She looked just as poorly as you. Joe carried her to the car and raced to get her home quickly. "Daddy I don't feel good."
"I know sweetheart, we're almost home and I'll look after you too like I've been doing with mummy."

He pulled into the driveway and carried her into the house, placing her back down so he could close the door. He turned around to see and and spotted she wasn't there.

"Poppy?" He called for her. He walked close by the stairs and heard her being sick in the toilet. He quietly tapped on the door and walked in.
"It's ok Pops, get it all out darling." He moved all her hair out of her face and rubbed her back. She cried in between being sick. "Daddy I'm sorry."
"You've got nothing to be sorry for, Pop." He placed her in his lap, giving her a loving cuddle. She leaned forward to be sick again. Joe shushed her and made her feel calm afterwards.

"What's happened?" You popped your head in the bathroom. "Looks like Pops has the same as you." He gave you a sympathetic look. "Oh darling. Do you want to cuddle with mummy?" She slowly nodded her head and stood up to her feet. Joe made sure you both were fine walking to your bed.

"My two girls are poorly. Looks like I'm the nurse today." Joe made a little joke. "How are you feeling sweetheart?" He sat down next to you, holding onto your hand. "I feel drained but if you need a hand with anything, I don't mind helping." Joe shook his head. "The both of you are resting, understood?"

"I feel bad, you've been running around after me and now Poppy. Are you sure you don't need help?" You admitted your guilt to Joe.

"Y/N, I don't mind at all. You aren't in the right state of mind to be doing anything. You nearly passed out earlier. Don't worry about me. If you need anything, let me know." He kissed you on the head, then made his way over to Poppy to give her a kiss too.

"Get some rest, my girls. I love you both with all my heart." As he left the room, he blew you both a kiss.

I'm sorry if it's not good, I'm on my time of the month and been busy looking at wedding venues today. I've got an Eddie one in the works (Dad chapter) so I'll make that one better as I feel as though I've rushed this one :( I promise I'll do another dad chapter for Joe soon❤️

If anyone has a request on any topic, let me know with a comment or message me.
Have a great day/evening <3

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