Losing You Pt. 2 | Joseph Quinn

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TW - mention of miscarriage

"You have to tell Joe, Y/N." He watched as you cried some more. "He'll hate me for it. I can't do that." "He has the right to know." You knew Max was right, but you didn't want to admit it.

"What good would that be? He hates my guts. I won't be a good mum and he'll think it's just to get him back, so no. I'm not telling him." You were certain on your decision.

You stood up from the floor, still staring at the test. "I will never be a good mum, but I'll try my hardest not to fuck this up too." Max followed behind you to the living room. You stopped crying and tried focusing on the good things. You always wanted a baby, but not in this situation. Ever since Joe ended things, you blamed yourself for everything. Now was the time to step up.

You made it your mission to start looking after yourself, that meant taking care of your body. You started to move on from Joe, clearing every photo in the house of him. Getting rid of all his gifts he bought you into a storage box to be stored in the attic. Max helped out. You spent the whole day sorting through things while he carried the heavy things to the attic.

7:15pm rolls around. You sat down after a tiring day. "Can we get a takeaway?" You asked. "Sure, what do you fancy eating?" "Pizza." You said with a big grin. It was the first time Max had seen you smile in so long. The rest of the evening was spent talking about memories from growing up together. It made you forget about Joe and being miserable.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Max asked, changing the topic. "Ring the doctors and get an appointment about my pregnancy,  I guess." You sunk into the sofa, relaxing your body. "Do you want me to come along?" "If you don't mind. I think I'll need the support." He looked over at you with a look on his face. "What?" You questioned as you shoved a pizza slice in your mouth.

"You can always tell Joe. He'll support you. You know he would." You shook your head at  him. "Not a chance. I won't have him hating me even more."

You both eventually were falling asleep on the sofa, so you tiredly made your way to bed, leaving Max to do what he wanted. Max always stayed in contact with Joe as they were friends too. He kept your word of not telling Joe, even though the guilt was eating him alive.

The following morning, you made an appointment to see the doctor about this pregnancy. They got some blood from you and booked you in for your first scan at 12 weeks. You were excited for the journey, but you knew it wouldn't be the easiest.

As time went on, you started buying baby things getting ahead of yourself. Living with your best friend made it easier as he would help put things up and help you out whenever you needed it.

Word got around on social media that Joe and Anna had split up after she cheated on Joe. You felt bad for him, wanting to be a supporting friend but you knew it wouldn't help the situation. He had support from other friends though. Your feelings for him had never left. You still adored him to pieces but you had to focus on you and the baby.

Photos started appearing online of you purchasing baby clothes and a crib with Max, even catching you with a baby bump. Everyone knew you and Max weren't a thing so everyone's suspicions came to Joe being the father. You ignored everything online and stayed silent with it all.
You were almost 20 weeks, soon to find out the gender at the next scan.

Joe's friends always read everything online and spoke to Joe about it. The day arrived for you to find out the gender. As you were called in for the ultrasound, you asked Max to wait outside as you wanted to surprise him with it. The second Joe found out from his friends, he rang Max up.

"Hi Mate, is it true about Y/N being pregnant?" He cut straight to the point. "Y/N made me promise not to tell you. As her best friend I kept her word but yes it's true." He could hear Joe sigh. "Is she doing ok?" Max could tell Joe was worried and upset by it. "Honestly, she's struggling, she just won't admit it. We're currently at the hospital. She's having her 20 week scan, finding out the gender." Joe started to cry. "Y/N made me wait outside the room so she could surprise me." He giggled which made Joe laugh too.

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