Step Mum Pt. 1 | Joseph Quinn

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"Good morning, darling. Are you still up for today? Really excited for you to meet Gracie." You read the text from Joe, as you laid in bed. You were excited but nervous to meet his three year old daughter. Since your first date, it's all Joe ever spoke about.

Joe was obviously a single parent. He had full custody of Gracie, the reasons remained unknown as Joe didn't want to mention it. You respected his choice as was more than happy to listen to him praise his daughter.

"Morning love. Yeah of course I am. I can't wait to meet her finally." You replied back to him. He was taking you both out for lunch, then a trip to a play area for Gracie. You dragged yourself out of bed and to the kitchen for breakfast and a drink of juice. While eating, Joe sent a photo of Gracie in an outfit you had bought for her. She was all smiley and looking adorable. Definitely the image of Joe.

"She loves her outfit you got her. She even insisted on wearing it. She's really looking forward to meeting you." Your heart melted reading his message. He clearly had been telling her all good things about you.
You quickly had a shower and got dressed. You sprayed your favourite perfume and made sure you had the little gift you picked out for Gracie ready and placed in your bag.

"I'm on my way now honey. See you both soon." You texted Joe. You connected your earphones and played some music along the walk to Joe's house. The weather was perfect for the day you guys had planned. Not a cloud in sight.
Joe's house was in your field of vision. The nerves kicked in once more. You were finally about to meet his precious daughter. You walked up to the front door and knocked.

Joe was quick to answer. "Hello darling. You look pretty." He gave a kiss on your cheek. "Thank you honey." You stepped inside, doing a little nervous look around. "You ok?"
"Just a little nervous." You took a deep breath in.
"Don't be. It'll all be ok." He reassured. "She's a bit shy but she'll open up when she's ready." He added on.

He took ahold of your hand and walked you into the living room, where Gracie was watching children's tv. "Gracie, this is Y/N. Do you wanna come say hello?" He crouched down to her level. She looked up at you, hiding her face with her blanket. "Hi, darling." You gave her a little wave and a smile. She walked over to Joe and hid behind his leg. "Don't be shy, princess." Joe stroked her hair. You tiny face peeping at the side of his leg.

You looked up at Joe, he noticed your nerves kicking in. "Don't worry." He mouthed, sending you a grin.

"I got you a gift Gracie." You looked through your bag and picked up the little box. You took it out and got down to her level to show her. Her head peeped further out before she walked over to see what was in there. "I got you a pretty necklace for a very pretty girl." She was in awe after she saw the butterfly charm that was on the necklace.
Joe had told you on a previous date how much Gracie loved butterflies. He smiled wide as you remembered.

She let out a gasp before jumping up and down in excitement. "Would you like me to put it on?" You asked her, she nodded her head and had such a beautiful smile. She turned around and allowed you to fasten the clasp. She admired the butterfly and wouldn't stop looking at it. She ran back to Joe to show it off. "It's beautiful, isn't it? What do you say to Y/N?" She looked back at you, going back to her shyness. "Thank you." She politely said with a sweet voice. "You're welcome darling."

She ran off to watch tv again, fondling with the butterfly around her neck.
"That's was really kind of you, thank you." Joe loved the gesture. He planted a kiss on your lips. "Do you want a drink before we go?" "I'd love one." You followed him into the kitchen.

"You've done amazing with her, you know?" He was grateful for that comment. It wasn't easy on Joe, being a single parent while maintaining his acting career. Joe had a teacher for Gracie for whenever he had to travel for work. Whenever they stayed in London, she would often go into a school. He agreed it wasn't great to constantly take Gracie out of school from friends but he couldn't think of any other way.

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