Runaway Pt. 1 | Eddie Munson

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(This short story kind of follows ST storyline.)

You were known as 'The Freak's Girlfriend' since you and Eddie had been together for a while. You both stayed back at school as neither of you graduated the previous years. I guess you were both distracted by one another.

You were part of Hellfire too, meaning you still went to the campaigns. It just seemed like any other night of Dungeons and Dragons. You sat next to Eddie and hoped to finish the campaign, The Cult of Vecna. Just before Hellfire Club started, Eddie took you out in the woods for some alone time. You called it yours and Eddie's spot as he'd always take you there whenever he wanted to make out or have some fun with weed.

"After this campaign, you're coming to mine and I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you." He whispered in your ear. He passed you the joint he lit. "I love the sound of that." You responded.

For the past couple weeks, Eddie was extremely horny. You were surprised he still had the energy to do it every single night, but you never complained as you loved everything about your intimate time with him. It had been a while since he used condoms but you never believed a child would come of you so continued without using one. You both enjoyed it more anyway.

The campaign was going well. You were all on edge when Eddie announced Vecna lives on. You were all screaming at him as Mike admitted Vecna was killed by Kas. "So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought." Eddie spoke up. You were all determined to beat Vecna once and for all. It was up to Dustin and Erica. Dustin rolled the D20.

You waited impatiently for the dice to land.

"That's a miss!" Eddie shouted. It was all down to Erica as she too rolled the D20. All eyes were on the dice. Eddie took hold of your hand as you both leaned forward to get a better view, waiting in anticipation.

"Crit Hit!" Erica shouted as you all cheered and celebrated. You finished the campaign in style. Eddie leaned forward to you and whispered: "We're gonna finish celebrating later on, doll face." You bit your lip, trying to hide the feelings you got from those words.

You all tidied up and collected your things before leaving the school.

"I'll drop you off home. Get yourself ready and I'll pick you up at 11pm." He winked at you as you got into his van. "I have something I need to do first but I promise tonight, it'll be magical." He got a hold of your thigh, slowly edging his way up. You leaned back in the seat and closed your eyes, imagining all the things you guys were gonna do.

"11pm sharp." You said as you got out the van and walked into your home before rushing to get yourself ready.

You ran upstairs and instantly turned on the shower, waiting for the water to heat up. You grabbed all the things you needed to prepare for your night with Eddie. You washed your face and body, followed by your hair. After the shower, you wrapped the towel around you. You looked around the bathroom for anything you may have needed for an overnight stay, preferably tampons/pads. Something clicked in your mind that your period was late. You never believed you'd be pregnant so you let it slip your mind and proceeded with entering your room where you picked a matching set of underwear, followed by a skirt and top.

Eddie adored seeing you in a skirt. He would often gaze and probably have intrusive thoughts about you. You finally finished getting ready as the time reached 10:45pm. 15 minutes to spare so you made yourself a quick snack in the kitchen.

The clock chimed 11pm. You waited patiently at the window thinking every light you saw would be Eddie. "C'mon Eddie. Where are you?" You whispered to yourself. 20 minutes has now gone by and no sign of him. "You've got a lot of making up to do for this. Making me wait." Your whispered again. You spent a full hour waiting just to be disappointed. You frowned as the clock now chimed midnight. You dragged yourself back up to your room and collapsed on the bed, hoping to fall asleep fast.

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