Trauma | Eddie Munson

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Requested imagine.

It had been months since you last spoke with your best friend, Eddie. Once you got with your now ex, Tommy, you completely ignored Eddie and spent time hanging with Tommy and his friends. For that reason, Eddie now disliked you, or so you thought.

Your relationship with Tommy started off great. You were loved up and couldn't keep your hands off of each other. Eddie watched from afar, cringing at the sight. It drove him crazy seeing his best friend turn into a distant stranger.
However things took a change when Tommy saw photos of Eddie and you on your drawers.

"I thought you and the freak weren't a thing?" Tommy held up the photo, showing you what he was talking about. "Oh we aren't. He is my best friend." Tommy laughed but was filled with anger. "Y/N, I know you're lying to me." He threw the photo at you. "Babe, I'm not lying. We've never been a-"

Tommy cut you off with a slap across the face. "You never disrespect me. Ever." You winced at the stinging sensation left on your cheek. "Now tell me the truth." He gritted his teeth together, waiting for you to say it again. "Tommy we have never-"
He pushed you into the wall behind you. His hand wrapped around your throat, tightening his grip. You gasped for air, struggling to breath properly. "Say it again. I dare you." He lessened the grip for you to speak, only to hear the same words again.

You were telling the truth. You and Eddie have always been best friends. Never anything more. Tommy was the jealous type and saw every man in your life as a threat.
He made a fist and punched your stomach. His other hand had a tight grip of your hair. There was punch after punch. He didn't like you disrespecting him. He only ever wanted to hear the things he wanted.

This was a whole other side to him. You never knew Tommy to be abusive, only a prick to those who crossed him. The punches made their way up to your face, colliding with your eye. "We are done. I ain't being with a cheater, whore." He spat on you and stormed out the house.
You laid there, on the ground, in so much pain.
Why did everything bad always happen to you?

You stayed there for as long as possible, crying. The carpet soaking up the tears. Your throat hurt and your face was swollen. The first person you wanted to call was Eddie, but seeing how he glared at you whenever he saw you, you knew he wouldn't care if you called him.

You struggled to stand up, but eventually did. You walked over to the mirror, scared to see the damage done. Blood had been pouring out your nose, your eye was already forming a bruise. The handprints were visible on your throat. You couldn't get the courage to roll your shirt up and see what makes were there.
It was like you were unrecognisable. You didn't want your parents to see when they got home from work, so you made the decision to go see Eddie.

He was the only person who would ever come to your aid if you needed it. You were scared to see him but he was your only option.
You picked up a hoodie and placed it on, hiding your face with the hood. You picked up your car keys and drove to Eddie's.

During the drive, your head started pouring. You felt dizzy and it wasn't safe to drive. Thankfully you pulled up to Eddie's trailer and safely turned the car off.
Eddie's van was sitting in the drive way, so you knew he'd be in. You took a minute to take deep breaths before walking to his door. You knocked and waited patiently for his answer. You kept your head down in fear of his reaction.

"Can I help.. Well, what a nice surprise Y/N. Is this a prank for you and your boyfriend?" Eddie sarcastically said, looking around to see if he could spot Tommy laughing somewhere. You gulped hard, before looking up at Eddie.

He looked back at your face and he noticed what was wrong. "Holy shit, Y/N." He dragged you inside and immediately closed the door. The warmth of his place hit you and brought back so many memories. "What the fuck happened to you. Who did this?"
You couldn't bare to look at Eddie. Your gaze was at the ground, beginning to silently cry. "Hello, Y/N who did this?" He clapped his hands.
"T-Tommy did it." You whimpered. You turned your head up to look for a reaction on his face, but his face showed hurt and anger.

"Jesus Christ, come here." The hug was just what you needed. Your safe place again. "I'm so sorry." You whispered in his ear. "Hey, don't be sorry. Let's clean you up." You followed him to the bedroom, and sat waiting for his return to get the first aid kit.
He got things out that he needed and set them down on his mattress.

Before wiping your face, he took his thumb and wiped the fallen tears. "Don't cry sweetheart." It was rare you got to see the caring side of Eddie. He always kept his walls high and pretended he didn't care, but on the occasion of you being hurt, he was as soft as a marshmallow.

He started wiping away the dried blood, checking up your nose to see if there was still blood. You watched the concentration on his face, how his tongue would poke out a little when he zoned out. "Let me go check if we have an ice pack for your eye." He stated before running off to get one.
The way he spoke with you, relaxed your body. You didn't feel scared, just anxious in case he brought up the past.

"Got it." He said with a warm smile. He held it gently to your face. You winced as the coldness hit it. "Sorry." He whispered. "It's ok." You lifted your hand up to take the pack off of Eddie, letting your hands touch with one another. His hands felt soft. His precious rings were still on his fingers. Your hand lingered longer than they should, and Eddie realised pulling away from it.
His eyes darted to your neck, as he saw the handprints Tommy had left. His fingers grazed over the area in a gentle manner.

"Has he hurt anywhere else, sweetheart?"
"Um, my stomach but I don't know how bad it is. You can leave it if you want." You got a little scared as you didn't want to know how bad it really was.

"No it's fine. Can I take a look?" He asked with the sweetest voice. You took a deep breath and nodded. He slowly rolled your shirt up. You watched his face for a reaction. His face scrunched up. You couldn't tell if it was with anger, hurt or annoyed. "Is-is it bad?" He looked up at you and saw the worried look.

"No, it's um fine. Not bad at all." You could see right through his lying but you knew he was trying to keep you calm. "Ed, I know when you lie." He sighed and rolled your shirt back down. "When did he do this?"
"Today. I didn't want to come here because I was scared of how you'd react to me but I don't have anyone else to go to." Your bottom lip quivered as you tried your hardest not to cry again.

"Y/N, you've always got me. And when I see that shithead, oh he's gonna be bat bait." He clenched his fist with rage. The thought of Tommy drove him mad. He hurt his best friend and he sure as hell won't get away with it.

"Eddie I'm really sorry I pushed you away. I got caught up with him and I just-" You couldn't express words. You stumbled over finding words that made sense.
"I don't hate you if that's what you think. Yeah I mean, it upset me but this? Nope, he isn't getting away with it. You are my main concern, understand?"

"Eddie, he did this because he thought we dated. I told him no but he wouldn't believe me and he lashed out. It's all my fault." You cried into his chest.
"Sweetheart, no way is this your fault but I'm glad you came to me. You know you're always welcome here, in the Munson trailer. I'm gonna protect you with my life from now on."
The sound of his heartbeat calmed you down. His ringed fingers stroking up and down your back while the other hand toyed with your strands of hair.

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