Comfort | Joseph Quinn

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I wanted to write this for anyone who's having a bad day. This is what my mind pictures Joe being like. Enjoy and have a great day/evening <3

Mid-afternoon, the sun is still shining, getting ready to go down into the horizon. You've done nothing all day, as you didn't have the energy. Joe had been out to a meeting with his agent but came back around noon. He was enjoying a smoke out in the garden when you came out for some fresh air.

"You feeling ok? You've been quiet today, my darling." He stuck his arms out for a hug. "Just don't have energy today. Feeling a bit under the weather." You accepted the warm hug from him. "What's on your mind, Y/N?" He asks, taking a drag before blowing it off to the side.
"Just one of those days where you feel like shit, I suppose. I'm not too sure if I'm honest."

He started rocking you from side to side and leaving a kiss on your head. "I understand. I've got nothing to do now if you wanted to chill with me, or we could go do something?" He asked. "What did you have in mind?"

"We could go for a walk, go eat out at a restaurant, go shopping. It's up to you." You pondered over his answers and thinking of other things to possibly do. "Go for a walk, but somewhere quiet." He smiled at your answer. He finished off his cigarette and you both walked inside together.

"I'll go get dressed and tidy myself up." You told him. You found a nice outfit to wear and quickly did a nice hairstyle. You sprayed some of your favourite perfume and headed downstairs to where Joe was waiting for you.
"You ready, darling?" He asks, standing up and walking over to you. "Yep, just need my shoes on." He had a big grin on his face. "What's the smile for?"

"Because you're just too pretty and beautiful. And I'm proud of you." Your brows furrowed at why he would be proud. "Even though you didn't feel like doing anything because of your mental health, you still decided to help your body out and come for a walk with me. I'm proud."

You looked down at the ground, not knowing how to answer back. Joe lifted your chin up with his hand, "Don't be too hard on yourself, my love." He planted a kiss on your lips and allowed you to put shoes on.

"I'll meet you outside, darling."

You put your shoes on, picked up a jacket and left the house. Joe had lit up a cigarette while waiting for you.

"Why do you look so good, doing something so bad." He turned and faced you. He saw a smirk on your face before you winked at him. He chuckled to himself, knowing what you were talking about. "How do you look so good 24/7?" He replied back. You shook your head and giggled. "Come on then." He stuck his hand out for you to take as you started this walk.

"How did the meeting go?" You forgot to ask him earlier. "It went well, actually. Just talking about new films that are looking for roles. There's a role for a bad guy that my agent has asked me to audition for." He sounded pleased hearing about the role. "Ooo, a bad guy. That sounds interesting. Is it a self audition?" "Yeah, need to get an outfit suitable for the part."

"I'll help you out with it. If you need make up to help you get the look, I'm your girl." He loved the fact you would help him whenever. "You're always my girl." He cheekily stated. You blushed a bright colour. "I know I am, but you knew what I meant." You both laughed.
"That'd be great, Y/N."

You wanted to snap a photo of Joe from your walk together so you could look back on it, and remember the good times of you ever felt down.

You walked over to a little river that had a small waterfall and a place to sit. "This is a lovely spot." You stated. "Shall we rest here for a while?"
"Yeah, of course."

You sat down close by the waterfall. It was a nice setting since the sun was setting. You both sat in silence for a while, taking the peace in. "Thank you." Was all Joe said, catching your attention. "For what?"

"For helping me with auditions and my job. For being supportive and not complaining about my job, even if it meant not seeing each other for a while. The list goes on at why I'm thankful for you."

"Joe, I'll support you through anything, you know I will. You're doing what you love, and I'm definitely not getting in the way of that." He smiled.

"And while we're on the topic of thank yous, I wanted to say thank you to you, for putting up with my mood swings and my mental health. I know I'm not the easiest but you make me feel safe and loved. Something I never really experienced before you." 

He hated when you spoke down on yourself. "I want you to be happy all the time. I'll be here always if you're having a bad day or if you feel down. There's always gonna be a place in my heart for you. You're irreplaceable." You rested your head on him. His hand gently rubbing your arm as he left pecks of kisses on your forehead.
It felt relaxing, being in his arms and hearing the waterfall. It's like your whole mind went clear from stress.

Joe carefully stood up and ran over to an area. Confused at his actions, you just sat and watched. He turned back around with his hands behind his back and came back over to you.

"These are for the most beautiful girl I've laid eyes on." His hands were now in front of you, with a selection of flowers he had just picked. You accepted the flowers off him and smiled wide. "Thank you, Joe." His hand was still placed in front of you, as he wanted you to stand up.

You stood with him as he brought you in a hug. "You mean the world to me. Please tell me if you're having a bad day and I'll make it my mission to cheer you up." You nodded in agreement, before locking lips with him. You shared a good few kisses before turning to look at the side of you both, seeing the sunset brighten up your faces. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"I know someone more beautiful." He said, all soppy and cute. "How did I get so lucky with you?" "I could say the same."

Joseph Quinn: ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin