Runaway Pt. 4 (Finale) | Eddie Munson

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(Trigger Warning: mention of miscarriage/blood/fighting)⚠️
Also this story kinda goes off the ST storyline. There will be different things in this to the actual ST version.

"Eddie I can't lose our baby." You sobbed into his chest as he held you. "We're not gonna lose our baby. We're gonna defeat Vecna and run like hell outta this town."

"Is everything alright in there?" You heard Nancy speak up. You flush the chain and hope for the best. "Yeah, everything is fine." You lied. Eddie gave you a look but you shook your head at him, to let him know that the others don't need the stress of a potential miscarriage.

"Right let's go over the plan." Steve announced as he stopped driving. "Lucas, Max and Erica go to Creel House and wait." They nodded in agreement. "Me, Nancy and Robin go to Creel House in the Upside Down to blow this shithead to pieces and Eddie, Y/N and Dustin distract the demobats so we can kill him." You also chose to nod but Eddie spoke up.

"I want Y/N safe, I think that's best with Lucas, Max and Erica. Away from the danger." You looked at him, not knowing what to say.

"I agree." Nancy butted in. "Do I not get a say?" You angrily spoke. "Y/N are you forgetting you're pregnant? You need to be safe. We aren't putting you or your baby in danger." Steve made a point. You weren't happy but had no choice in the plan.

As you were all preparing the weapons for the battle, you sat alone making spears. Alone with your thoughts, thinking about the baby. You had pains again but chose to ignore.

"Y/N, you know you don't need to do this. You can back out anytime." Steve interrupted your thoughts. "I want Eddie safe and alive." You muttered. "He'll be safe, he's a grown man." "Why are you protective over me? I mean, Eddie is too but not like you." You wanted to know the truth on why he was being the way he was.

"You're vulnerable and I know you're scared. You're pregnant and barely know nothing about this situation. I want you safe. If either you or Eddie die, that's gonna be on me." You saw his eyes droop. "I'm not letting it happen. I care for you too much." He continued.

Just as he said those words, Eddie came wandering over with his bin lid shield. "What do ya think?" He pretended to be in battle, showing it off. You chuckled. "It looks good, darling." Steve stood up and walked over to Nancy so Eddie could take his seat.

"Promise me you'll be safe. And if there's danger, you run far away." You looked him in the eye. He took hold of your hand. "I promise." He smiled. "But promise me, you keep yourself safe and our baby. I swear if I come back and you aren't.." He was hesitant to finish the sentence. "If you aren't here, I-I don't know what I'd do."

The weapons were sorted and it was time to go finish this battle. You clung onto Eddie for dear life before it was time to say goodbye for now. "I love you." You whispered to each other before you left the caravan with Lucas, Max and Erica.

The building gave you the creeps. Max took the lead into entering the house. The plan was to stay silent to find Vecna and wait for the signal.

You walked around with a lamp. It took some time to find Vecna but eventually it all was going to plan. Max and Lucas followed up into the attic while yky and Erica waited outside on the playground for the signal.

Erica bolted across to the slide as you followed, trying not to run as fast. As you reached the slide, you noticed a young man walking a dog. You took no notice of him as he carried on walking the dog.

"So what's the deal with you and Eddie?" Erica asked. "What do you mean?" You weren't sure how to even answer. "You're pregnant with his baby. Surely you guys have a plan or are you just gonna live in a different trailer with his uncle for the rest of your life?" One thing you loved about her was her sassy attitude and how she says things how they are.

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