Trying For a Baby Pt 1| Joseph Quinn

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It was coming up to yours and Joe's two year anniversary of being together. Things were going amazing for you both.

Since his breakout role in Stranger Things, he's been given so many great opportunities and is doing so well. For you, you'd got a job working along side Joe's team.

One thing he managed to achieve was buy you both a house in London. You'd officially moved in and got settled. Having a few weeks off with Joe to get used to new things and go furniture shopping.

"Darling, we need this in our bedroom. Look how cool it is." Joe pointed at a huge wardrobe fit with many compartments, sliding the doors to show off how 'cool' it looked. You laughed at how easily entertained he gets. "Don't laugh at me, baby." He hugged you from behind, tickling at your sides. You squirmed, trying to free yourself while laughing.

Continuing the walk around the shop, you came across the baby aisle. Neither you or Joe had talked about having a family but it was something you both wanted. You saw a cute cot, with a teddy to go with it. You rested your hands on the side of it, staring at it, lost in thought.

You thought about how lovely it would be to have a couple of children together, looking like you and Joe. You smiled thinking of them running around. Joe caught eyes on you and your smile. He stood and admired how amazing you looked in that moment, picturing you with a bump. This was when he realised you guys needed the 'talk'.

He held your hand, pulling you out your thought as you continued looking around the baby aisle. It definitely gave you baby fever.

After buying the things you needed, you headed back home. Joe got started on building the shelves to place in the living room. You started cooking dinner. In between cooking, you looked up baby items online and working out roughly how much it'd cost.

"Well that's the shelves built. All that's left is for my darling to finish cooking a gorgeous dinner and today is complete." He said as he walked into the kitchen. You put your phone down and ran over for a hug. "What's the matter, sweetheart?" "Nothing, I just love you, way too much." "I love you too." He kissed your forehead and let you carry on cooking.

He stood in the kitchen having a smoke, talking about random things to you. Dinner was cooked so you plated it up and both of you sat down and ate.

"I think we need to have a chat about something." He blurts out. You looked confused but gave a sad expression. "Not like that! Just seeing you today, standing at that baby cot. You had a huge smile." You thought it was cute that he looked at you as you did that. "I sense a 'but' coming. I take it you aren't ready?" You frowned. "I wanted to say, I'm ready too." He took a bite out of his food. You looked up at him, yours eyes like puppies eyes. "Really?" You spoke in a soft manner. "Really. I'd love to have a little one running us round." It made your day hearing those words. "We can look into it. You know, like ways to conceive or if we can't conceive normally, talk about different options." "I don't care as long as it's with you, that's all that matters." His smile went from ear to ear.

A few months have gone by. Joe has a lot more work and events he's been attending so you guys haven't had much time for baby making. You'd do it whenever you guys had chance but was never your fertility window so it was always a very low chance.

You both agreed that it will happen when it happens and not to stress about it.

Joe had just finished doing a comic con event and you both headed back to the hotel. It had been a long day so you wanted to get straight to bed.

"I could just sleep forever right now." You joked, getting comfy in bed. "Me and you both, darling." He got comfy next to you and turned to face you. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?" You hid your face in the comforter, trying to hide your blushed cheeks. "Yes, every day baby." It came out muffled since the comforter is covering your mouth.

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