Promise Ring | Eddie Munson

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"You're five minutes late, Munson." You scolded him, entering his van. "Y/N, nobody wants to go to school." He rolled his eyes. "Hey, your grades are improving thanks to me, you'll be out of here in no time." You chuckled.

"I'll be going far away from this shit place. Middle finger up to everyone I hate." He let out a laugh. "So everybody but me, right?"
"See, that's why I love you."

His hand rested on your knee as he sped around the area, trying to get to school. As he parked his van up, you ran to his side, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before running to your first class. Eddie always took his time getting to class, but at least he turned up.

You weren't seeing Eddie until lunch so you focused on studies until then. You spoke with a couple of class mates during lessons, but other than that, stayed quiet.

The bell rang for lunch. You made your way into the hall and grabbed food before taking a seat at the usual table. Eddie seemed ecstatic. "Hey sweetheart, I got the best news today." He kept the grin on his face.

"What is it?" You were curious to know. "I achieved a D in Ms. O'Donnells' class. I'm gonna graduate and run like hell outta here!" He leaped from his seat, punching the air. "Eddie, that's fantastic! Well done." "Well it's no thanks to you, m'lady." He knelt down, taking your hand in his, kissing your knuckles.

The Hellfire boys made retching noises as he did the sweet gesture. "Shut up, shitheads." He broke eye contact with you to glare at the boys.

"We should celebrate." You mentioned to him. "You're coming to mine after school and we can get high, baby." He winked. You ate your lunch and listened to the club talk about their upcoming campaign. You weren't in Hellfire, but always turned up to their campaigns. Eddie would allow you to sit on his lap or let you study off to the side. Either way, he wanted you close.

Lunch had ended and it was off to class again for the remainder of the day. Eddie told you to meet him in the forest, where he does his deals after school.

Making your way there, you spotted the bench and Eddie sat there, reading something. "Munson." You yelled, startling him. "Jesus Christ, Y/N." He did a nervous giggle afterwards. "What you doing?"

"Uhh, nothing." He acted suspicious, hiding the piece of paper by shoving it into his bag. "Ok..."

He stood up, taking your hand and pulling you closer to him. "You ready to go celebrate? I just did a deal so I'm now all yours, darling." He kissed the top of your head. "Yeah, let's go."

You walked hand in hand back to the parking lot. He kindly opened the door for you, helping you in the van before running round the other side and climbing in. "Let's go baby!" He spoke with an excited tone. He started the van and just like the morning, was driving like a maniac.

"Eddie, I know you love me and all, but try not to get us killed." You gripped onto anything you could to keep yourself from being flung around. "Sorry, sweetheart." He slowed his driving down to a steady pace for the rest of the ride.

He reached his place and you both got inside where it was nice and toasty. Wayne was getting ready for his night shift. Eddie told him the great news from earlier. "Proud of you, son." He said hugging him.

Eddie ran off to his room to get something, leaving you and Wayne to talk.

"Thank you, Y/N. For pushing him to do his best and getting him to concentrate on his studies." He smiled proudly at you. "It's no bother, honestly. I love seeing him do well."

"You've been so kind to him. He's lucky to have you. If he ever breaks your heart or upsets you, come straight to me." He joked. Eddie walked back into the room, keeping that same smile.

"I best get off to work. You two, be careful."
"We will, Wayne. Take care." You waved him off.

Eddie walked over to you, planting a kiss onto your lips. "I have something for you." He guided you into his room, closing the door and sitting you on his bed.

"Don't... judge me. This is the first time I've ever opened up truly to somebody." He nervously rambled. "Eddie, it's fine. Just be honest with me."

He sighed and took something from his pocket. "This is the first ring my uncle bought me. It's special to me, and I wanted you to have it. More of a promise ring." You could see the sweat starting to run down his cheeks. He took your hand, placing it on your finger. "I promise to look after you and treat you right. I promise to never break your heart and I promise to always love you. Until we are old enough to one day, put an actual ring on your finger."

He looked into your eyes, seeing you tear up. "Eddie, it's beautiful." You admired the ring. It had a tiny skull on it, with a cross. It was definitely something Eddie would wear. "I love you, always. Thank you for helping me with everything and getting me out that hell." He said. "Don't thank me. You're the one who decided to concentrate. I was just the helping hand. You should be proud of yourself." You stood up, kissing his cheek.

"All on you, sweetheart. All on you." He refused to accept he did it himself but you weren't gonna disagree and ruin the special moment.

"I-uh-wrote you something too." He nervously rambled, yet again.

He pulled out the piece of paper from earlier. "Read it to me." You spoke.

Since we became friends, all I've ever wanted is you. You keep me sane and happy. I can finally open up to you. I may be the school's "freak" but you treat me like a normal person. I definitely am a freak but I'm also your freak. You mean everything to me. More than my precious guitar. Thank you for being you. A kind and thoughtful person, with a big heart. I owe many things to you, and it's my mission to love you, forever. All my love, Ed.

You struggled talking from crying. "Wow, I didn't realise I meant more to you than your guitar." You giggled, wiping the fallen tears away. "It's true. All of it. All I want is you, and for you to be happy." He brought you into a hug. His ringed fingers at the back of your neck. The feeling of being safe with him. "You've got me, Eddie. Always." You both pulled away, looking each other in the eyes. He looked down to your lips, then back to your eyes. Both inching further for a kiss, until your lips met.

I cannot get over the fact I met Jamie and David!! Jamie hugged me and said "Hello Love." The most sweetest soul ever. I have comic con blues now though, but definitely going to more in future!
Photos are on my twitter, if you want to see, just ask and I'll leave my username.

I've missed writing chapters, so hopefully will get a couple more done this week. As always, have a great day/evening <3

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