Chapter 53: New Leader

Start from the beginning

"What are you willing to bet?"

"My rationed beer"

"You'll give that away regardless"

"True. But better than nothing, right?"

"How about a few thousand and I'm good"

"Sure, but I'm telling Sakuya if you lose"

"Using her against me huh?"


"Alright then, I won't press on with that I guess."

"Knew it."

We couldn't help but laugh at that. We continued to talk about Lindow's treatment and how Sakuya and he have been so far. After what seemed like a few hours Alisa, Erin, and Emil were the first to return, giving me an update on the mission. Informing me that Kota decided to take a walk before returning. As expected some parts of it went wrong, like really wrong, but luckily no one good too injured besides a few scrapes and bruises. Hibari also gave me a rundown on how their mission went and even Licca told me how some of their God Arcs had some minor damages. By the time I finished getting all the updates, it was almost sunset. So, I went out of the Den and eventually found Kota on the wall of the Far East Branch.

"Yo, how's it hanging buddy?" I said as I sat down next to him on the ground


"So... how was your first day leading?"

"Humiliating..." Kota replied

"I heard."

"Who told you? Did Alisa tell you?"

"I heard from Emil, and Erina, and Licca, and Hibari, and a few members for the Second Unit, and a couple of Third Unit members, and... Alisa told me"

"Well did she ever tell you that it'll will never happen again cause I'm done"

"Leading or being humiliated?

"Both! I don't know why you thought I could lead this team!"

"Oh I knew things would go horribly at some point on the first mission"

"What?! You set me up to fail?! Why?!"

"Did you fail? Yeah, things went wrong at some point but you guys came home without any major injuries. A few scrapes and bruises are better than what I did. From what I heard not one single drop of blood came out of your team. Besides, if you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now. At least that's how I remember it when I heard it" I said leaning back and using my arms as support

"Is that why you're so brave when it comes to these missions? You're brave because you have to prove yourself?"

"What? No! Kota, bud, I'm only brave when I have to be. Every time we step out of these gates I'm scared shitless, I'm sure you are too, but we've managed to push that fear behind us and fight. I'm scared shitless about not coming back or the people I care about not coming back but I gotta face that fear and trust them. You can never be brave if you're not afraid, so it's okay to be scared."

"Huh... that... makes sense... thanks Rinni"

"Just take things one step at a time buddy." I said patting his back

We continued to watch the sunset in silence. After some time we went back in and called it a night after dinner. The next day I grabbed the box that contained my bracelet and left the notes I had written on the desk. I went out and went to the top of the wall to watch the sunrise. It was peaceful. I looked at the bracelet, knowing I had to go when the sun rose.

"You think you can just leave without saying goodbye?"

I turned to see the former members of the First Unit, with Kota, standing near the entranceway.

"To be honest, yeah. I hate goodbyes so I thought, I'd just... disappear, ya know?"

"That would be worse" Soma said

"Yeah... not the brightest idea I've ever heard."

They all sat down next to me and we watched the sunrise.

"So where are you headed now?" Kota asked

"Well, to the previous world, I was in before coming here. To Fairy Tail."

"Are you sure you can't stay? Doctor Sakaki and Soma can work together to find a cure for both you and Lindow."

"I can't. Yeah, the medication has helped normalize it but I can feel it slowly getting worse every day. And I don't wanna burden anyone with having to put me down at the very end. It worked well with Lindow because he didn't have any foreign help, not like me. And if I stay here... I'll die regardless..."

"What are you talking about?" Alisa asked

"My cells...  Not the oracle cells, but my cells are decaying at a faster rate than normal and it's just the oracle cells that are keeping me alive while also killing me."

"Well if you ever come back just know we're here for ya, alright?"

"Thanks, guys... See ya"

I stood up and they did too. They hugged me before I pulled away, and with a two-fingered salute, I took hold of the black paracord bracelet and disappeared from their lives.

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