Chapter 17: Time Passed (Part 1)

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Rinni's POV

So, I'm in Demon Slayer. I have been here for two years and I have been trained by the Hashiras themselves.

Want to know the whole story? It's a long one.

Still, want to hear it?

Okay fine, I'll tell you.

Well, it started when I got here. I was like 5 feet in the air before I fell down on the ground. I groaned again and stood up. I decided to check my injuries, first checking my hand, then I noticed long sleeves. I looked at the rest of my clothes and I'm wearing a Kimono. The fuck?! Oh hell no! I've been avoiding skirts all this time just to be put in this! What the fuck?! No! I hate this! The pain in my shoulder and hand is still there, but that didn't last long as I felt something bump into me. I looked to see it was a kid, the kid was crying.

"Hey there, why are you crying? What's your name?"

"Help me please! My family is being eaten by a monster!" the little boy cried

"Alright kid, calm down, tell me what's your name first. I know this is gonna sound weird, but do you have any weapons I can use?"

"H-Haruo Ryochi. W-we have a hatchet near the house"

"Alright Haruo, lead the way"

I only then noticed that I was slightly taller than Haruo, fuck am I a kid again? Fuck no. Those aren't the best years of my life because of height issues. He leads me to the house where I can hear the sickening cracks and breaks of bones and the scent of blood is strong. Whatever is in there they can probably smell my blood. I quickly took the hatchet and told Haruo to hide. The sliding door to the house slowly opened and out came a humanoid figure. It was fucking ugly and had fucking horns like a demon, well maybe because it is? It stepped out of the house.

"Marechi... I bet you'll taste great little girl..." It growled

"Ew... Pedo... I wanna call the police but they'll just die from this thing ." I mumbled

The demon came rushing at me and I dodged it then I sliced its arm. This is just a normal fucking hatchet, I am not expecting this fucking thing to kill a demon. It needs to be a nichirin blade or fucking sunlight. I didn't get to ask how long I have to hold off this motherfucker, it would keep charging at me and I would dodge and cut it. So far the biggest injury I've done to this guy was cutting off both its arms at different times. But I made one mistake, and it got me. It held me by the ankle, raising me up.

"Hey! Hands off bub!"

I cut off its arm and in return, it cut my left calf. But that didn't stop me. I pushed past the pain and carried on fighting. Dodging, slicing and cutting, heck even punching and sometimes an occasional kick, you name it, I tried. But ultimately, I was tired and injured. Injured because of Cathy and the demon, tired from running and fighting. The pain in my calf muscles became too much and I fell to one knee.

"You put up a good fight... but in the end, you're nothing but a weak child. Look at you, kneeling in weakness." It said

"Fuck you. I'm not kneeling in weakness, I'm kneeling on my strength."

I said as I once again pushed past the pain and jumped, cutting the demon's head off. I land and I fall to one knee again, the pain intensifying. I saw the signs of sunlight and the body tried to get the head and get away.

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