Chapter 43: Goddess's Wrath

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Bell's POV

"Master Bell, are you sure about this? I mean Goddess Hestia might get mad..." Lili asked

"Yes, I'm sure of it. Besides, if Rinni were here, she'd agree to this as well."

"That may be true, but regardless, she would have warned us of the dangers it might pose." Mikoto added

"That may be, but according to her, the knowledge she only knows about here is just about until we won the war games."

"Speaking of Rinni, I wonder, how is our commander doing?"

"She's probably having an adventure of her own right now. Maybe being chased by something"

As we neared our home we heard something break and the Goddess screaming. We rushed to the door, thinking that the Goddess might be in trouble. I was the first one inside and I felt something collide with me.

"Ow! Fuck that hurts!" a familiar voice said

"You get back here Rinni Bellereve! Everyone stop her!"

"I got no time, I have evoked the Goddess's wrath! I wanna live!"

Rinni immediately got off me and began running away. We all just stared in shock as we watched her run away to another part of the estate.

Rinni's POV

After what seemed like hours of being chased by Hestia, all of us sat inside a room, where Belle had explained that he found a monster that was talking.

"Huh?! What did you just say?! Of course, I'd never heard of a talking monster before!" Hestia said in disbelief

"I... I figured as much" Bell uttered

"To tell you the truth it's kinda hard to believe" Hestia paused for a moment before continuing "But uh... the poor thing does seem scared though..."

"Does that mean..."

"Yeah, I say we keep her here for now."

Bell sighed in relief after hearing Hestia's approval. He then turned to me, seeing as I was sitting on the arm of the couch, opposite from him. I didn't want to make the little monster scared so I sat somewhat far away.

"What about you, Rinni?"

"Well, I can say that I've seen a lot of weird things, even with the different dimensions I've been to, and I've only encountered a talking monster once, like a pure monster, not someone who was turned into one. Well in technicality, I am a talking monster if we count for my infection, but Shio... she's a different story. Shio mutated to become a human-like aragami... I may know how but I can and won't assume the worst... She learned how to speak, but not much. Knowing the First Unit and Dr. Sasaki, they'll definitely teach her more. As for my case, I don't necessarily know how I mutated to this. Normally, humans with the aragami infection are either killed off due to mercy or turn into an aragami. Rarely will they be able to return to their human form, with or without markings. My case in point."

I pointed to the markings on my arms and neck before continuing

"With the former leader of the First Unit, Lindow, he does turn into a full aragami but he manages to return back to his human form... with... some changes as well. But to summarize it all, I don't think talking monsters is impossible since I have been to different worlds, I've seen one, and I'm seeing this one right now. There is no doubt that a talking monster will cause panic. Shio was hidden inside Dr. Sasaki's lab where no one has the clearance to go unless you are being called there. Even the director of the Fenrir Eastern Branch does not go in there unless Dr. Sasaki is informed. Keeping this little one hidden is important to make sure there's no panic and to keep other familias from trying to attack her or us."

The conversation carried on with trying to name the monster. Bell tried to drag me into it but with the other's help, I managed to avoid it. The familia meeting ended with the Goddess Hestia giving us a direct order to gather information. The next day, before the first light I left the familia house. I did leave a note saying I'll go into the dungeon to investigate and that I'll be skipping breakfast.

Well, I did go to the dungeon but not before watching the sunrise on top of the wall. I watched the sunrise with a small smile on my face. It's so good to enjoy the little things, whether it's for your sanity or just for fun... it's still so good. I heard footsteps behind me, causing me to look in the direction of the sound.

"Oh hey, it's you... How's it going Bete?"

"So you finally come back after traveling outside of Orario" I nodded going along with the excuse that my familia made while I was gone

"Yeah, it was fun but nothing beats home. Come on, join me." I said as I patted the spot next to me

He scoffed before sitting down on a different block. We both sat in silence as we watched the sunrise. It felt like forever but I knew it was just a few minutes of peace. I stretched my arms and got down from the block I was sitting at.

"I'm heading off to the dungeon. See ya Bette."

I didn't hear his response as I ran in the direction of the stairs, of course, I did come down the wall the normal way. In a matter of minutes, I was in the dungeon, going down the middle floors by myself. I was asking around about the monsters that stole armor that I heard while walking the streets. I tried my best to gather as much information as I could before heading back out and going back home to the familia house. I opened the doors and announced that I was home as loudly as I could in hopes someone would hear me.

I heard footsteps and I saw in my peripheral vision that Wiene was peeking behind a corner. I turned to her and gave a smile and a wave before Bell came from behind the same corner and greeted me as well. That night we all talked about the information we gathered and eventually called it a night. The next days were either spent gathering more information or just staying at the familia home keeping the young monster company, or some of us would go to the dungeon in order to kill some monsters to get crystals and sell them for money to be able to provide for the family. Also to pay the debt the Goddess Hestia has.

"We'll find the answers... I know it... " I muttered to myself

Little did I know, those would only be some of the calm moments I would have before chaos would ensue once more. If only I knew this would happen I would have done something to either stop it or prevent it.

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