Chapter 25: The Boar

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Rinni's POV

I felt the wind on my face so I opened my eyes only to see I'm falling from a great height. I screamed as I fell, I took a deep breath to calm myself and tried to use my pyrokinetic ability but it did not work. I closed my eyes as the ground slowly came closer. I braced myself, expecting the pain and eventually death but to my surprise, it never came. However, I did feel a jolt, as if a force was pulling me up. That kind of reminded me of those tower rides, where you go up and suddenly drop down. Anyway, I opened my eyes and I see I'm a good two or three inches on the ground. I flinched and took deep breaths trying to calm down. Damn, I could feel my heart beating so quickly from that.

I felt something tap me and I looked in that direction to see someone squatting in front of me. Before I could look at the person's features I felt myself being lifted up and standing in an upright position. I even did the classic arms and legs flailing as it was happening, but I stopped when I noticed I was being placed on the ground. I looked at the person who tapped me earlier and my eyes widened in shock. A familiar orange-haired character stood in front of me. He wore his golden armor and white cape.

"No way... " was all I could say

I ran my hands through my hair, something I do when I'm either nervous or thinking way too much. I was lost in my thoughts as I wasn't hearing what Arthur was saying.

"Fuck... I'm here... Shit... How the fuck am get out of here or home now? Fuck..." I said as I began to pace

I soon felt lifted off the ground and faced Arthur, who I now notice is being accompanied by the Boar Sin of Gluttony, Merlin. Welp, now I know I'm in Seven Deadly Sins.

"Who are you?" Merlin asked

"My name is Rinni Bellereve. I'm pretty sure you can tell I'm not from here"

"Where are you from? Maybe we can help you go back home" Arthur asked

"Arthur, I'm not from HERE. I'm not from this world or this dimension. You can ask Merlin about it but first, can I be put down to explain myself?" I saw them tense but after a moment or two Merlin soon put me down

"Now where are you from and how did you know about us?"

"Well, I'm from a world where you guys only exist as fictional characters. You two, Meliodas, Elizabeth, Diane, and so on. Everyone in this world is a fictional character in my world. Someone wrote the story, then a certain group of people drew it out, that's what my world calls manga. Then eventually we go to what my world calls anime, it's the next step after the manga. It's basically an animated version of the manga for people to watch instead of reading."

"So in your world, you know the current events of what's happening here?" Arthur asked

"Yeah, well not all, but mostly yes. And since the manga you guys are in is finished, I know what happens next. I know some parts of the past that pertains to a certain character or characters. And the future of this world, I just need to know what part of the story I am in."

"If you really do know what happens in the future, answer me this, will my plan work?" Merlin ask

I froze, I think she's referring to her plan to make Arthur Pendragon into the King of Chaos. I looked her in the eye, looking for any confirmation of what plan she was talking about. I only see her serious expression, I look down to the ground, clenching my fist. Don't get me wrong, it was still a happy ending but the fact things happened in between was... I sigh and nod my head. I remember what happens in the sequel manga, though I haven't caught up.

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