Chapter 58: Definitely

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Rinni's POV

It's been a month since I lost control, a week after Corona sacrificed herself to seal the kishin Asura, and a week since Lord Death's, well death. I was confined in the hospital when the funeral happened. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. 


About what? is what you're probably asking, well about everything. Everything I've experienced and everything that has happened. 

The door to my room opened making me look in that direction. It was Soul and the gang who came in.

"Hey guys" I said with a small wave

Because I've been thinking a lot, I tend to get lost in my thoughts and make it seem like I've gone numb, but to be fair I am somewhat numb.

"Hey Rinni, how are you?" Maka asked

"Numb physically. Emotionally, meh, and mentally drained."

"Didn't expect a full-blown answer like that." Soul uttered

"Would you guys rather have me lie when it's clear as day?"

"Not really" Tsubaki said

"But why are you mentally drained? Shouldn't you be all well rested in the mind? Let me guess! Without the great Black Star to keep you company you've been bored!" Black Star said

"Whatever floats your boat. But I've been thinking... about a lot of things... The thing I keep thinking about is how I got in this situation I'm in and what's happened after."

"Speaking of which, you haven't explained anything to us yet. You did say you will."


I sat up, Maka tried to help me but I stopped her saying I can handle it. 

"Before anything, I wanna say I'm sorry... I'm sorry because I lied to you all when we first met. Well, technically it wasn't a whole lie but I lied nonetheless. I'm from another world. A world where you guys are just characters that aren't real and the imagination of one person."

"That doesn't make sense. Is that another lie?"

"Nope. It's real. This is honestly one of the reasons why I didn't tell you guys. I knew you guys weren't gonna believe me."

"How many reasons are there?" Patty asked

"What's the other reason?" Tsubaki added

"Just a few. One of them is Professor Stein."

"Ah... that makes sense" everyone said sweatdropping

"Anyway, when I first got here, I already knew who you guys were. Well, not immediately but I remembered because of Maka and Professor Stein. You guys had the right to be suspicious, that's another reason why I lied. You'd guys think I'm some weird stalker, maybe even a witch and I'd be dead in seconds."

"Fair enough" said Kidd

"The memories I formed with you guys are real, and that's something I can proudly say. The night I disappeared I touched the kishin egg. There was this weird force pulling at me and a bright light, the next thing I knew I was in a forest. I thought at first some witch teleported me somewhere but I was proven wrong so quickly when I saw some people. Somehow I was in another world. A world where, once again, they were fictional characters from my world. It weirded me out. That's when I began to theorize."

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