Chapter 47: Reporting for Duty

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Shinra's POV

I flew up in the sky, looking for the 5th Pillar. I spotted her about to be surrounded by the white-clad. I instantly flew down and kneed Charon in the face. I didn't expect him to be phased by it but it was enough to distract the guy. I land in front of the pink-haired girl.

"Hey, are you okay?!" I asked as I turned to her

"Special Fire Force?!"

"Are you the fifth pillar? If so, I'm going to have to take you into custody."

"Fifth Pillar? Why is the Special Fire Force after me too?! Custody you say? You can forget about that..."

"Just take it easy and let me handle this, please."

"What?! A sixth pillar?! They just appeared?! No way!"

"What are you talking about?! I thought there was only going to be one!"

He sent a punch toward me but before it hit I felt something pull me back and it caused me to fall to the floor. Looking up I saw a familiar face. My eyes widened as she used her power to push back Charon.

"Man, you need to pay more attention to your surroundings, Shinra." she said not looking back at me


"The Sixth Pillar! What a joyous occasion! If I catch all three of you, It will be three Pillars in one stone!"

"Look buddy I don't know what you're talking about but I am not in the mood right now. Quite frankly I have some pent-up energy here so quit the talk and start fighting. Shinra, get her out of here... Call back up if you need to."

"Hell no, I'm not leaving you behind. You can't take this guy alone" She turned to me and smirked

"Then get off the ground, and let's do this. Let's double-team this for old time's sake. The Devil's Forge is up for the task, right?"

Rinni's POV

My arms were set ablaze as I took a fighting stance. Shinra stood up and stood next to me.

"I'm taking you with me, don't interfere, and just come quietly" the man said

"Screw that! Who do you guys think you are? I'll decide for myself about what I'm gonna do! I may not understand what your objective is, but don't go deciding as if you're escorting or securing me!"

"Walk!" was all the guy said

I heard loud stomps and suddenly he was in front of the girl. I used my second-generation ability and moved my flames behind me. Oh, I hope this works. I jumped and used the flames to fly toward the girl to get her away from the crazy dude. I carried her bridal style away from the creepy guy as Shinra kicked him away. When we were at a safe distance I set her down

"If I were you I'd stay put. If the Special Fire Force is trying to secure you, then know it's your safety. I don't know who these guys are, and I'm as clueless as you but heed my warnings girl."

My flames went back to my arms and I took off towards the sky and back to the battle. I saw Shinra about to run after the girl and the creepy crusader wanted to punch him but he blocked it. I focused my ability on my right arm and punched the white-clad guy in his temple causing him to stumble. More men in white soon came and surrounded Shinra and me.

"Shinra, you owe me a shit ton of explanations when we're done here!"

"I know! But we can't let her get away! The white-clad are after her and apparently you as well!"

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