Chapter 5: Hello

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Rinni's POV

With a groan, I woke up feeling the grass on my face. I immediately got up and looked around. Yup, definitely not home yet, to make things worse I'm inside a forest. I then realize... I left Maka and Soul. Oh, God... What are they thinking right now? What are they gonna tell the others? I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a rustling in the bushes. Out of my instincts, I immediately tried to transform my hand into the ax blade. But to my surprise, it didn't work.

"Shit, how the hell am I supposed to defend myself?" I whisper-yelled as I ran to hide behind a tree only to hear something a minute later



That sounds familiar...

I looked behind the tree and I saw Plue. Fuck I'm in Fairy Tail, wait... oh hell yeah! I get to use magic! Well if I can.

I began to think about what possible magic I have, but sadly my train of thought got cut off by something hitting the tree trunk 5 inches above me. I look up to find an ax, I immediately scurry away from it. You think being a weapon in Soul Eater would help you out with having calmer reactions, but that's a lie, at least for me. I am not as chill as people think I am. I breathe deeply to calm my racing heartbeat. I look to my side and I see Team Natsu.

"Um... hi?" I said awkwardly

"Hey, are you okay?" Lucy asked

"Yeah, I'm okay, just startled by the ax that was above my head."

"Did you get into an argument with someone that may have led to them attacking you?" asked Erza

"No, not that I know of"

"May we see the ax?"

With a nod, I walked to it and grabbed the handle, then with a couple of good tugs it came out of the trunk. I show them the ax. The ax blade looks familiar and then I remembered it, I think that's what my ax form seems like if I had transformed it completely.

"How in the world is this here?" I mumbled

"I don't know, you tell us how. Is that weapon cursed or something?" asked Natsu

Oh, I forgot he has good hearing. Gotta make up a good lie.

"Well, this weapon was a family heirloom, or at least that's what my parents told me. I thought this was lost forever. According to my parents, my grandfather lost it when he died traveling. They've been looking for this... well that is until..." I said in a rather sad tone

I am so lucky I used to voice act, I took a quick side glance at them, and it seemed they believed it. Nice, it looks like voice acting saved my life, for now at least. I ran my hand through the ax head and it started to change, the crusty exterior began to clean up a little bit and made it a lot smoother.

"Woah! How did you do that?!" Natsu asked

"You flame brain, didn't you think it would be her magic?!"

"What was that ice princess?! You wanna go!?"

Erza cleared her throat and glared at the two which got them to stop, acting all buddy-buddy with each other.

"If you don't mind me asking, what kind of magic do you have?"

"I honestly don't know. My parents have always told me that our family never had magic and that all we did was make weapons. And apparently, I've just proved them wrong because it seems like I do have it. I don't know what to name it if it's unnamed"

"How about naming it Forge? Since you did say your family made weapons"

"That sounds good. But I still have to figure out how it works. I can't just blindly think it's gonna work every time."

"Fairy Tail can help you with that!"

"Can't believe I'm admitting this, but the flame brain there is right. Good job for using your brain for once"

"What did you say, stripper?!"

Before the fight could escalate further, Erza clashed their heads together harshly. Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting. We all began to travel to Fairy Tail, talking along the way. They would ask questions and I would answer them the best I can. Upon arriving at Magnolia, the group proceeded to the building of their guild. The guild doors opened and then Natsu announced they were back, and with a possible new member. I was taken to Master Makarov only to agree to join the guild. After a few minutes of talking with the master, he sent me off to talk to Mirajane to get my mark. I was in a debate on where I wanted my guild mark so I asked if I could have a few minutes to think about it.

Honestly, I either wanted it on the left side of my neck, left shoulder, or the left side where my collarbone would be. The minutes seem to pass when you're in your world thinking. I told Mira that I wanted my guild mark to be on my left forearm. I know it wasn't one of my choices but it's way easier for it to be noticed, at least I think it is. Afterward, I was approached here and thereby the other members. I was meeting a lot of people left and right. Well, good luck to me trying to remember everyone's names. The guild had a party, in celebration of my joining the guild. Drinks here and there were given as the night went on. Everyone had a good time, way too much that some passed out in the guildhall. I smiled watching everyone have fun, but sadly, they had to close the guild. So they decided to leave the passed-out members and sleep on the guild floor.

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