Chapter 7: GMG

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Rinni's POV

The Grand Magic games had begun and days had passed again, and it was now the last day. Fairy Tail is in the lead because Natsu and Gajeel beat Sting and Rogue, leaving us with 45 points. Anyway, back to the point, I can see that the combined team was racking up a lot of points. As of now, Natsu, Mirajane, Wendy, and the exceeds are on a rescue mission. They're going to get Lucy and Yukino out of their cells, though I do know not everything will be perfect.

I know they can do it, heck I know they'll pull through. I don't specifically remember everything but if my memory serves me right then they should have already fallen into that trap and are now trying to find a way out or they're probably facing the Hungry Wolf Knights right now. So that means, they're either still fighting in the same chamber, or due to the blast, they all separated, or they'd probably beaten those tools. Regardless of their situation right now, I know they'll get out of that place and come back to the guild smiling.

"Whatcha smiling about?" Asuka asked

"Nothing much, I know that Fairy Tail will win cause we're the best in Fiore"

"Aren't you getting a little too overconfident there? I mean there are still a lot of people" asked Wakaba

"Call it that, but I do know that Fairy Tail will win, I feel it deep down, I know we will win. And as I said before, we are number one."

That made everyone smile. I know we will win. I continued to watch the battles and patiently waited for Natsu and the others to come back. But the smiles didn't last long as I saw Millianna being held hostage by Minerva. Shit, I forgot about this one, and I also forgot the outcome of this. All I remember as of this time, Natsu and the others have met with the future Lucy. My fist clenches as I watch the scene unfold, everyone can see the pissed-off looks of Kagura and Erza.

"Shouldn't have expected less from desperate people. Bitch move honestly" I mumble under

"Mama, what's a bitch?" I could only flinch and stare at Asuka who was next to me and now looking at her mother

"Where did you hear that?" Asuka pointed at me

Oh shit, why have I sworn in front of a child, and the parents are there too. I am so dead.

"Asuka, what I meant was a beach, you know, the one where I and the others went to train"

Asuka can only say oh before continuing to watch the fights. That was a close one, but I can feel Bisca staring at me. I have a feeling she'll have a word with me later. I focus on the fights for now. I saw the battle between Kagura and Erza. That ended with Minerva stabbing Kagura and giving up a very injured Millianna. Which quite frankly pissed Erza, despite her injuries I know she'll try to fight that bitch. Of course, we can't focus on just one fight even though it sounds tempting, there are other fighters out there. So the screens kept changing to different fighters. Gajeel won against Rouge because of the Iron Shadow Dragon Roar, which resulted in a point for us and the shadow leaving Rouge.

Then there's Laxus versus the Wizard Saint, Jura. The saber's Orga didn't even stand a chance against the Wizard Saint, going down with one blow. I can see the anxiety and fear in everyone's eyes, heck I can even feel it. I will admit I am also anxious about this, so much so that I wish I had my meds with me. There's nothing I can do but just watch the fight unfold because that's all the screens are showing us. But with a single punch, that got everyone screaming.

The audience screamed in excitement, Lamia Scale screamed in shock, and Fairy Tail, well we screamed in joy. With a single punch from Laxus, all our worries and anxieties from this match went away. The fight carries on but with another punch, down goes another person. The crowd screams as Laxus was declared the winner of the fight with the Wizard Saint earning 5 more points for Fairy Tail, putting us in the lead again.

Now with Gray and Juvia, well let's just say they wiped the floor with Lyon and Sherria because of their inability to work together. That earned us another two points. Now everything is back to Minerva and Erza. As briefly shown by the screens earlier, Erza has equipped her Second Origin, Nakagami Armor. Despite her injuries, Erza cuts the bitch's attack which caused a fearful reaction to her. You can hear her trying to back out but Erza ain't having any more bullshit from her. With one powerful blow, Minerva goes down and skids on the ground, earning Fairy Tail another 5 points. That gives us 63 points in total.

I wanted to smile, but I knew that there was still one person out there. One person, who I know will still shock everyone. I continued to watch as I saw Erza, Gajeel, Laxus, Juvia, and Gray, all go to where Sting was. Sting had given his position away with white light. He wanted to fight them all and at first, Erza didn't want it but in the end, they respected it. The members of Fairy Tail stood tall, and ultimately, Sting ended up surrendering. It wasn't because he was injured, but because he knows that he won't be able to face Lector. I believe it's because it will be considered shameful. They were all wounded, bruised, and hurt badly. I wouldn't be considered a real win if everyone else was in the same bad condition, while he wasn't. Tears were soon shed.

"I told you all we were going to win this! Fairy Tail is number one!" I said to all of them as tears flowed from my eyes

Everyone just ended up laughing and screaming in joy as the crowd continued to cheer. Fairy Tail was officially declared the winner of the Grand Magic Games. I watched the screen that displayed the beaten members of Fairy Tail standing tall and proud of the victory and glory that they have brought to the guild. Today we proved that Fairy Tail is number 1. Master soon enough did the signature Fairy Tail Salute and every member joined in. I raised my hand high, as I smiled and did the salute with everyone.

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