Chapter 26: Fight

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Rinni's POV

Upon arriving at Liones, I stopped my horse a little behind Arthur's horse. The gates opened and out came Hendrickson. I am tense right now, cause at this point Hendrickson is still under the bidding of Fraudrin. Hendrickson and Arthur talk, before Merlin, snaps her fingers, and the army vanishes. I moved my horse a bit forward, so it stands parallel to Arthur's. After some more talking we were given access to the Kingdom of Liones. We left the horses at the gate and continued on foot. Hendrickson and the men with him escorted us to our location. We walked silently. I seemed calm on the outside but I kept my guard up. Thank you Hashiras for the physical training, at least I will be able to fight.

"Lord Arthur... Earlier, you said... "You have some matter on your hands that is forcing you to deny entry to any outsiders".... What did you mean by that?" Hendrickson asked

"Oh, that was just a hunch! I've always had good instincts" Arthur said rubbing the back of his head

"A brat with no sense of humor... There is no way you'd agree to "lend a hand in solving that problem" without knowing anything about it. What are you after?"

"Not telling" Arthur said smiling carefreely

"Watch your tongue, Grandmaster Hendrickson. The one you are addressing as a "brat" is the King of Camelot." I saw Arthur give me a quick approving glace keeping in character

Play the part after all. The two holy knights behind us draw their weapons. And I draw mine.

"Hey, hey... what's all this about?" Hendrickson turns to us

"Foreign messengers are assassinated all the time... Even if that messenger is a king."

Before any of us can utter a word someone appears. I grip the handle of my ax and tune out the conversation. I took a deep breath, I'm ready. Hendrickson attacked Arthur which caused a huge amount of smoke to appear. Hendrickson was bleeding from the head while Arthur was unscathed. I attacked the two remaining knights. Hendrickson and Arthur began to fight, I was about to charge in and help but Merlin had used her powers to hold me back.

"Let Arthur handle this. We still have things to do. Besides, sometimes it doesn't take a knight to be taken down by one hit"

I looked behind me to see the two knights I tried to knock out were now standing up. Well, I better finish this as quickly as I can. I ran at them hitting them on their abdomen with the backside, before taking a breath and slashing the two. I would dodge and attack, not letting them get a break. I used my speed and momentum to my advantage in keeping the two knights busy. Thank you Hashiras for this. Anyway, sure this would also leave me winded but due to the enhanced training, I had I can manage. I kicked one of the knights where the sun doesn't shine, seeing it was left open, in a fight sometimes things aren't fair. So after kicking the dude, I used my elbows to hit him on the chin, knocking him out. I turned to the other knight and blocked his attack. Once I did so successfully, I used a push kick on him right on the stomach before hitting him on the head with the backside of the ax, knocking him out.

I stood straight before taking a deep breath and turning to Merlin, who was helping Arthur take out the black flames Hendrickson aimed at. I ran to their aid but Arthur said he had it, so I stood by with Merlin. I watched as he fought with Hendrickson, only to be thrown back and land on his knees next to Merlin. I stepped forward to help Arthur stand up as Meliodas fought with Gilthunder, Hendrickson, and Vivian. I watched as Meliodas took the hits and eventually used an attack to get rid of a curse that had been bonded to Princess Margaret, who in turn forced Gil to serve loyally to Henrickson. I smiled as I saw Gilthunder beginning to fight for the betterment of the people. I looked to where Margaret stood and I left Arthur's side to protect the Princess in order for her to bring to safety. The last thing I want is a ship to sink because a stray attack got to her.

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