Chapter 52: Found

Start from the beginning

A sudden beeping from Doctor Sakaki's computer caught our attention and he immediately checked what it was.

"Wait! We might still have some hope!"

"What are you saying doc?"

"She's back... I'm picking up her armlet signal"

"Then let's just hope she makes it in time to help us here. I'll be back."

I left the room to go to my father's office, only to find him not there.

Rinni's POV

Alyssa and Sakura were the ones to find me in the wasteland and they saw the signs of aragami infection. They tried to offer the easy way out but I told them I could handle it. We made it into the Far East Branch and rode the elevator to the Executive floor and all we saw there was Soma.

"They took Shio didn't they?" Sakuya said

"I thought you guys were on the run. Looks like you ran back into the lion's den. Good to see you, Leader"

"Figured you'd be lonely so we thought, hey, might as well come and lend a hand."

"Good to be back. It's pure luck they found me honestly."

"We found Rinni here while we were hunting for another path into the Aegis, but no luck there."

"They're so close to launch that they must shut down the entire perimeter. There's no other way in."

"No. There's definitely another way in." I said

"Leader's right. However, I'm not so sure. But there's a tunnel leading there underneath the Den."

"Kota! I thought you'd turn your back to us. You and your family were gonna join the Ark."

"Him? Turn on us? Nah, that'd be the last thing he'd do" I said before approaching Kota and placing a hand on his shoulder

"After all, we're his family too."

"I... Sorry, I should have known better. Thank you."

"Well, now that's in order. Gear up and let's go! That's an order! Kota lead the way"

"Come on, I think it's down here"

We all followed Kota's lead toward the secret tunnel leading to the Aegis, and with Tsubaki's help, we managed to reach where we needed to go. There we came across Dr. Johannes von Schicksal with Shio. After a few back-and-forths with some dialogue, we ended up fighting. When we finally defeated Soma's father, we focused on another problem, stopping the Nova. Luckily, Shio's individuality was still there and she ended up going to the moon. After that, we went back to the Den where we were welcomed by everyone and treated as heroes.

What else did I expect? We just stopped the destruction of the world, but honestly, we were doing what we thought was right.

After months of going around and keeping everyone safe, we came across a new aragami, which led my infection to grow worse and return to what it was before Merlin treated me. This caused me to start undergoing treatment. During my recovery, an aragami got into the Den and I used Lindow's God Arc while mine was being repaired, as well as I saw glimpses of memories from Lindow upon touching it. Luckily for me, the oracle cells in my body adjusted and I managed to fight off the Oregtail that was about to attack Licca. I was also lucky that somehow the mutation of the oracle cells within me and, well, me, have reached this weird symbiosis, at least that's what Dr. Sakaki said. 

Dr. Sakaki also brought light to the fact that...

I'm dying...

And it was just the oracle cells that were just preserving me. 

It's weird and honestly sounds like a movie plot but apparently, my cells are decaying faster since I'm in a different dimension in which the atoms are way different from the other worlds, the only thing keeping me alive is the oracle cells but...  They're also killing me... Like I said, it's weird.

Anyway, we also got new members to the First Unit, but I was tasked to watch over the other New Types. When I checked Lindow's God Arc by touching it, I saw glimpses of what happened to my predecessor. I reported the incident and we were tasked with bringing him home.

Some weeks were a blur as we prepared for Sakuya and Lindow's wedding. With the treatment, at some point, there was no more progress so Dr. Sakaki ended up stopping my treatment because it became useless in the end of it. Anyway, back to the Lindow and Sakuya wedding, Alisa was asked to be the maid-of-honor while I was asked to be a bride's maid. This was the only time I was willing to put on a dress. I mean it. We all celebrated the wedding, Sakuya and Lindow left for their honeymoon after a few hours of the after-party while the rest just went to sleep. After some time and a large fight, we ended up bringing him home. When he was given some treatment, it ended up stabilizing him. He then took over training the rookies. After discovering a few more things and missions here and there, we finally reached where we are now. 

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