Chapter 31: Declaration of War

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The establishment was filled with laughter as I smirked. Before I turn to the rando with a cold stare

"Point is short stack, we don't have time for you. And we don't care about what you have to say, so why don't you crawl back to your mommy and cry there? The adults are talking here, so get lost" I added, rubbing salt into the wound

I grabbed my drink and took a sip. The rando didn't back away and started to insult my friends and eventually the Hestia Familia. It took all my strength to not do anything to that pint-sized barker. The last straw was calling Hestia worthless, and I am not standing down now.

She decided to believe me when she could have told me to leave. Bell and Hestia took me in, and I am not standing back as they insulted my familia. I slam my cup down and Bell slams his hands on the table, standing up, and telling the midget to take it back.

"Oh, whatever, you're only mad 'cause it's true."

"Oh really? You listen here, you pint-sized, blubbering weirdo." I stood up and took a step forward as he took a step back, clearly afraid

"You're afraid, 'cause from what I can see, you're all bark and no bite. I bet with one small tap you'll be crying like the baby you are. Cross the line again, I'll show you how to really bite." I said growling

Everyone in the bar laughed at him again before he continued to insult the head of my Familia so I jumped over the table, punching him square in the face.

"Told ya I'd show you how to really bite. Anyone else?"

The other members of his familia charged and I fought with the rest of my group. These lackeys were just 1 hit KOs.

"Anybody wants some more?!" Welf asked

"I'll play along."

The guy who said that was sitting on a chair, damn it I forgot his name. Whatever, I ain't backing down. He charges at Welf and hits him, causing Welf to fly to the wall getting knocked out. The rando eventually attacked Bell, punching him here and there before grabbing his throat and lifting him up. I guess he forgot about me because I punched him in the gut.

"Pick on someone your own size bub" I said raising my fist

I had my hands covering my face, like what you do when you're boxing or muay thai. The two of us traded blows, punches, and kicks here and there, but he was a lot quicker than I am so I did get hurt way more than I wanted to. I kneed him on the stomach before grabbing his left hand. I did a behind-arm lock, ready to break his arm but he hit his head against the bridge of my nose and kicked me down with a back kick. I fell face-first on the hard wooden floor. I was about to get up but he kicked me on the stomach and pressed a foot on the back of my neck. I then heard people talk about him, eventually mentioning his name, Hyakinth from the Apollo Familia.

"The punishment for hurting my friends is severe. Accept the consequences of your poorly chosen actions." Hyakinth said

He presses his foot down on the back of my neck but what stops him is Bete, from the Loki Familia. The Apollo Famila leaves, and Lili comes to Bell's aid as I cough a bit before pushing myself up. I groaned and got up but I was surprised when Bete grabbed Bell by the collar of the shirt glaring at him.

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