Chapter 30: Dungeon

Start from the beginning

We carried on going down towards floor 18. Monsters still came at us so I asked Bell to help Welf, while I took point and protected everyone from the front. Lili would warn us from the back. At the end of it, even with all the training I've been through, this is still a little too much. Juggling between the front and back of the party to protect everyone is hard, especially when there are a lot of things to fight about. When we'd find an opening and a large enough pit, we'd go take our chance and go down. Lili eventually used a monster deterrent which is the worst scent I've ever smelled!

We don't know how long we've been down here, but that's not important, what's important is making it out alive. Eventually, we ran out of the stinky stuff and a minotaur came. Bell charged first and attacked it. I stood behind ready to charge in or protect the group at a moment's notice. More of them came as soon as Bell killed the first one. I didn't charge because I saw Bell's skill begin to form, so I still stood behind.

Bell falls to his knees and Lili runs to his aid. I walked towards him and held out a hand to help him up. He takes it and gets up, then we proceed to do what we were supposed to do, go down to floor 18. We were all getting tired, fighting for who knows how long without rest is really bad, and we haven't been really eating to regain energy. Sure we would drink water but we haven't really eaten anything, we didn't really have much food here because we originally planned to stay here for a few hours.

All of us were trying our best to catch our breath, I even tried to teach them how to do it but it was useless seeing how we were fighting things left and right. Soon enough Welf passed out from exhaustion. Lili also passed out so I grabbed her and carried her on my back. Bell was surprised to see her knocked out.

"We have to keep going, Bell. We have no choice. Let's just get the essentials from Lili's bag and leave it. It's not gonna be worth it to carry all this gear, it'll slow us down. I'll carry Welf, you carry Lili"

We took the essentials from Lili's backpack and I once again took point as I carried Welf while Bell had Lili. I mean it is logical, I was taller than Bell so I would be able to carry Welf easier compared to him. Lucky for me the wound on my leg is almost completely healed so I didn't have much trouble. Bell and I soon reached a hole and nodded to each other.

He jumped first and I followed, we soon slid down and collided on the floor and after a few seconds we both got up. The two of us began to walk, we couldn't really run because we were both exhausted. Upon entering the area where you would usually fight the floor boss, we both took a deep breath and began to run toward the other side of the hall. Halfway through Goliath began to respawn, we had to avoid the falling walls as we kept running. We barely made it out of there when the monster sent its attack, but finally, we managed to get to floor 18. I must have hit my head really badly because the next thing I knew I was inside a tent dazed.

It took a minute or two before I remembered everything that happened earlier. I immediately sat up and tried to get up, but I fell back due to the pain in my head and the note to myself that I always forget. I looked around and saw Welf and Lili were okay and had been treated. I sighed in relief but soon heard Bell panic. I smiled knowing he was okay too. After an exchange of words with Ais Wallenstein, he looks in our direction to which I send him a smile and a two-fingered salute, which he was relieved about.

Soon enough Bell and I got up and explained what happened, we were both bowing with our knees and head touching the floor. After talking to them we came across Tiona and Tione. I was soon formally introduced to them as the newest member of the Hestia familia. Bell then told them what level I was and what was the second name the gods called me. I smiled and watched as they talked, and I could clearly see they were trying to make Bell blush. I couldn't help but smile knowing things

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