Chapter 11: Say What?

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"Hey, I came 'cause they called the meeting all of a sudden. What's going on?" Kota questioned

"I really don't know. And even if I did know, I certainly won't tell you." Alisa said sassily to Kota before turning to Sakuya

"Alisa, be nice" I said

"Sakuya, do you know anything about this?" Alisa asked completely ignoring what I said

"No, I haven't heard anything. Still, it's pretty unusual for us to be summoned."

"I see you're all here" Tsubaki said as she stepped in front of the group

"Administration officially announced a new appointment today. When the current mission has been cleared, you will be appointed captain of the First Unit, Preservation Bureau, Far East Branch " Tsubaki stated while looking at me

"From now on, you're the leader of this unit. I'm counting on you" Tsubaki said

"Wait... Me?" I asked pointing at myself

"Woah! You got promoted! And it's a huge promotion! What do they call this kind of thing? Supplanting one's superior?" Kota said excitedly

"Actually, that's a kind of betrayal." Alisa said in a matter-of-factly tone before turning to me

"Once again... I'm looking forward to working with you. Isn't that right Sakuya? Sakuya?" the two of us can only look at Sakuya who is in deep thought

"Huh? Oh, yes... Right" Sakuya's tone seemed off at first but she quickly recovered and turned to me

"Leader, huh? Somehow you seem a lot more dependable now! Well then, I know you'll have my back... I'm looking forward to working with you!" Sakuya said with a smile

"Don't get ahead of yourself." We all turned to Tsubaki

"You won't be officially appointed until after you've completed this mission. It's true that a leader is bestowed with certain powers befitting the position. But the responsibilities he must shoulder are of equal weight. Not just as his capacity as a God Eater... He's also charged with making sure his team members return safely. Don't die. You must all come back here alive. That's an order." A moment of silence passes before Tsubaki continues

"Now then! Stop daydreaming. Go, fulfill your mission!"

With that, we all nod and head out, grabbing our god arcs as we leave. This time we'll be facing a Sariel and some Zygotes. I decided to go with Alisa, Soma, and Sakuya with me on the mission. I just wanted to make sure Alisa is all good, besides I think Kota can use this time to spend with his family. Again, I'm going to skip some parts and say we all made it back alive, just like Tsubaki ordered. We came out again, a few scrapes and bruises for everyone else, and I got a bad cut on my cheek, but those were easy to heal. In fact, sometimes we come back unscathed because our bodies have been completely adapting to the beatings it gets. After quickly getting patched up I was called into the Director's office to officially be appointed as the leader of the First Unit. I stood straight as the director leaned back on his chair.

"So you've completed your mission without a hitch, as expected." He leaned forward and placed his elbows on the chair before continuing

"First, let me commend you... Congratulations on being appointed Leader. Now then... I asked you to come for a reason. Your authority as Leader... And your duties... I'd like to discuss those with you. First, your enhanced privileges... As Leader, you will be given your own private room. That would be the room used by the previous leader, Lindow. You must now log into the terminal... and update your user authority level. You'll find that you're now able to view data that was previously off-limits to you. We have decided to disclose and share this information with you... Please, try to understand what this means. Right... This is our... This is Fenrir's mark of trust. I hope you won't end up betraying that trust. Now then, next, we'll discuss your duties. In addition to your regular duties. I'm going to have you take over Lindow's special missions."

He pauses and leans back a bit and puts his hand on his chin to think before going back to his position earlier and continuing.

"I'll give you more detailed instructions later. I'm sure you're exhausted by the events of the day." He leaned back again before saying

"Good work. I'll be counting on you."

And with that, I was dismissed. I did what I was told, logged into the terminal, and updated my user authority. As I was updating my user authority people congratulated me on the promotion, wished me luck, and so on. Afterward, I grabbed my stuff from my old room and moved to my new one. Once I got settled in I laid down on my bed and passed out.

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