Chapter 39

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"It is reported that Amis, who planned a series of conspiracies, committed suicide in fear of crime on the day he was arrested. During his criminal career, he used his male identity and his special atavistic traits to deceive blind worshipers to work for him many times. Central Research The court issued a public instruction, saying that the 'atavism phenomenon' is the product of genetic mutation, and males may return to their ancestors when their mental power develops to a certain stage. Levin Manson, who saved the central city, is one of them. Citizens, please do not follow blindly. The remains of Amis will be taken over by the Institute for research on the mystery of the return of male sons to their ancestors."

     "The execution date of the criminals Fitz, Lenny, Arlo and the Zerg who actively participated in the terrorist incidents on various planets has been announced. Citizens are welcome to actively participate in reporting the remnants of the party."

     "The male worm medical unit is taking shape. The male worm protection society invites Levin Manson to be the honorary director of the medical department. The department is actively involved in the pacification of mental mania, and the results are remarkable."

     "Looking so seriously?" Levin leaned closer, and he occupied most of the couch, and now he invaded the only space that Creamer had.

     The military female didn't care at all, letting Levin put all the weight on his shoulders, enjoying the state of intimacy, "I just feel that everything is going too fast. Think about the time, only a week has passed."

     Levin stretched out his hand to wrap Creamer in his arms, without affecting the transmission of body temperature through his smooth silver hair, "The battlefield on the frontline changes rapidly, I thought you were used to it."

     "This's a little different." Creamer's voice was full of uncertainty, as if he himself didn't understand why he had such an idea.

     Levin gave the answer first, and whispered to Creamer, "Maybe my big butterfly is still distracted by love."

     Unexpectedly, Creamer admitted it frankly, not only admitted, but also tilted his head and kissed her.

     This may be because their relationship has changed.

     On that day, after Levin made a cruel act of breaking his wings, Creamer did not blame anything, but stayed silently by Levin's side after discussing with Carl alone.

     "Leave the Amis matter to me. The family, the media, and the male worm protection association are enough to worry you. I will try my best to block the pressure from the military." Creamer followed Lai all the way. Wen wandered aimlessly, and finally spoke when Levin stopped.

     Levin didn't seem to listen at all, his eyes were attracted by the void outside the spaceship, "So that's how it is."

     "What?" Jun Nu asked confused.

     Levin smiled, and his smile shone like distant stars light-years away. His eyes were another galaxy, reflecting billions of stars and particles. The dreamlike universe broke through the haze in my heart, "In the past, I always thought that the boring interstellar voyage would kill my yearning for the stars. I was wrong. How can I hate this kind of scene, and I will never."

     Creamer was relieved after being astonished by the unsparing admiration.

     Levin doesn't want to talk about those things, so just enjoy the moment and think about the rest when you get back to Central City.

     So, Creamer also put aside the chores that occupied his mind, looked out of the porthole, and continued as Levin said, "Every planet has its own story and its own unique rules of survival. Once it starts The pace of understanding will never end again."

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